of Buddhist Yogi C. M. Chen
Yogi C. M. Chen
The Chinese version of Guru Chen's will
Thanks to the hard working and division of labor and cooperation of all volunteers
that we have the opportunity to peruse through this inconceivable ocean of books.
Note: Please visit again as works are being added from time to time
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Polish language translation of some of Dr Lin's Works posted | ||
Italian language translation of some of Dr Lin's Works posted |
Vietnamese translation of some of Dr Lin's Works posted
Indonesian translation of some of Dr Lin's Works posted | ||
Book-request service is resumed from Aug. 29, 2023 onward. |
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The Great Dharma Protector Wei Tuo Bodhisattva
All rights reserved by Dr. Yutang Lin.
Reprint or redistribute only with permission from Dr. Yutang Lin
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This site is maintained by the disciples under the guidance
of Dr. Yutang Lin.
Any assistance in correcting error or omission is gratefully appreciated.
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