回歸空性  林鈺堂       簡繁轉換 - 繁體







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Returning to Blank Essence

Yutang Lin


In rituals for Dharma practices, it begins with Taking Refuge, and then Developing Bodhicitta, and then ″Visualizing Blank Essence″—visualizing that all phenomena returning to Blank Essence. The so-called ″returning to Blank Essence″ does not mean that the practitioner needs to deny the contents of direct experiences, but means that all concepts and views in the mind need to be let go because any concepts or views are artificial products of personal consciousness, and are not exactly identical with their references in direct experiences, and furthermore, they are a kind of interference to direct experiences.

For example, ordinarily, people sustain a notion of ″my body″, even though this concept is unnecessary for the natural functions of physiology, and yet, on the contrary, it is a source for increasing tensions. To fully resume natural relaxation, one needs, first, to be able to become free of this concept.

In rituals for Dharma practices, after ″Visualizing Blank Essence″, then it says that one ″visualizes″ that from Blank Essence there appear certain phenomena. Ordinary Dharma practitioners still sustain the notion of ″my body″, and hence they figure that they are supposed to begin imagining accordingly. In fact, after ″Visualizing Blank Essence″, only contents of direct experiences remain, therefore, the so-called ″visualizes″ is not a personal imagining, but a ″recognition″ that the contents of direct experiences is as described.


Written in Chinese and translated into English on May 7, 2020
El Cerrito, California


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