六臂瑪哈嘎拉除障法會儀軌 林鈺堂上師敬編 前行 一、發心 合掌虔念: 邪說暴行正猖狂,生態環境已失常; 願一切眾生具樂及樂因! 願一切眾生早日成佛! 結定印,默念三遍: 萬法皆緣成,相依而共存; 觀想全法界回歸本來清淨,而呈現為無有邊限之天藍色光明。 觀想於此藍色光明中出現全法界之四聖六凡。 行者之父母分居其右、左兩側。前為歷世之冤親,後為六道眾生。六道中最需救助之地獄眾生緊隨行者之後,然後依序為餓鬼道、畜生道、人道、阿修羅道、天道之一切眾生。所有眾生皆與行者同一面向。 行者前方之空中則為一切諸佛、菩薩、聲聞、緣覺、護法等聖眾。六臂瑪哈嘎拉居於正中,千手千眼觀音安住其上空;彼等為所有其他佛、菩薩及聖眾,層層環繞。所有聖眾皆慈憫顧視六道眾生。 四、皈依 合掌虔念三遍,並觀想一切眾生皆仰望空中之千手千眼觀音,而合聲齊念: 本來清淨陳祖師 金剛蓮華林上師 皈依金剛上師 觀想一切聖眾皆因眾生能明辨及抉擇解脫之道而感到欣慰,並由千手千眼觀音代表一切聖眾攝受眾生之皈依。千手千眼觀音從心輪放出鮮明藍光照臨每一眾生,為彼消業、除障、培福、長養菩提。然後此鮮明藍光即進住每一眾生心中,大小如一燭焰,永遠閃耀菩提光芒,照明菩提正道。 觀想一切有情皆欣喜參預廣大長遠之供奉,並與行者合聲齊念: 遍法界珍寶,傾明行證德,離惜遺供獻; 寂靜八苦平等功德水 寂靜貪著本具童瓶花 觀想一切聖眾皆因此等供奉純粹基於菩提心而欣喜接納、受用。一切聖眾皆得圓滿之受用。一切聖眾放五色光(藍、白、黃、紅、綠)充遍法界,加持一切眾生。然後,千手千眼觀音及六臂瑪哈嘎拉以外之一切聖眾皆化光進入千手千眼觀音,千手千眼觀音再化光降頂進入六臂瑪哈嘎拉心中。 六、讚頌 觀想六道眾生合聲齊念;行者傾忱念誦,並可加用鈴、鼓、引磬、木魚等: 千手千眼不過一心一意救苦難 彌陀頂嚴示無二 憫眾頭裂悲甚深 大黑天尊光焰照,十方有情息魔障! 六道眾苦 六方佛慈 六臂悉擔荷 慈憫眾生護正法 呵護心切真情露 觀想六臂瑪哈嘎拉於聆讚後,因行者及眾生之正信而大為歡喜。六臂瑪哈嘎拉由心輪放出鮮明藍光,充遍法界,加持一切眾生,令得消業免障,身心安穩。六臂瑪哈嘎拉隨即以甘露灑淨眾生之身、語、意業,並賜飲甘露以增長眾生的壽命及慧命。 七、祈請 觀想六道眾生合聲齊念;行者傾忱念誦祈請: 行深般若度一切苦厄 千處祈求千處應 苦海常做渡人舟 世變日岌,安寧日減,眾生命脆危;慈目豈無睹? 觀想六臂瑪哈嘎拉於聆此祈請後,因行者及眾生之正信而大為歡喜。六臂瑪哈嘎拉由心輪放出鮮明藍光,充遍法界,加持一切眾生,令得消業免障,身心安穩。六臂瑪哈嘎拉隨即以甘露灑淨眾生之身、語、意業,並賜飲甘露以增長眾生的壽命及慧命。 八、持咒 南無耶拉喳亞亞 南無阿亞嘎拉桑嘎呀 毗盧喳拉 卜哈拉喳亞 達他嘎達亞 南無薩哇達他嘎他悲 阿哈得悲 桑亞嘎桑卜得悲 南無阿亞阿瓦羅鴿悲 蝦亞亞 菩提薩埵亞 嘛哈薩埵亞 嘛哈嘎魯尼嘎亞 達亞塔 嗡 達拉達拉 地唎地唎 度盧度盧 以札位札 雜擂雜擂 雜雜擂雜雜擂 姑訴昧姑訴昧 瓦擂 以唎密唎 之地雜拉 馬巴拉也 娑哈 嗡媽尼悲咪吽 嗡 班札巴尼 吽 呸 嗡 班札麻哈卡拉 親起札 賓格朗 毗盧亞嘎 吽吽 呸 娑哈 嗡阿吽 麻秋夜 娑哈 觀想上師與六臂瑪哈嘎拉無二無別,在持諸咒期間,由上師心輪放出鮮明藍光,加持法界一切眾生,令得消業免障,身心安穩。眾生一蒙佛光照拂,身心清淨,福慧善根增長,心開意解,法喜充盈;世間眾生轉為互諒互助,共享和平安樂。 九、祈請法脈傳承加持 普賢王如來壇城法脈皈依境祈請頌 為渡輪迴六道諸苦眾 創立佛法釋迦牟尼尊 以身供師無上大樂母 曼達拉娃垂教示楷模 法脈始祖根本上師三 諾那活佛開示大圓滿 本來清淨文殊陳祖師 顯密圓融弘揚三乘恩 金剛蓮華觀音林上師 深入淺出廣闡經論旨 無微不至照拂護法恩 韋馱菩薩提攜一路跟 具誓鐵匠多吉勒巴尊 如護蓮師扶持密法根 法脈安立但為渡苦眾 法脈延續唯仰諸尊祐 祈祐偈 敬禮大恩門一切依護 總集文殊示現陳祖師 敬禮大恩門一切依護 總集文殊示現陳祖師 祈加持頌 敬禮大恩門一切依怙 總集觀音示現林上師 韋馱菩薩啟請頌 護持佛法大將軍 四大天王咸追隨 大海龍王讚 龍心慈憫比海深 雨露普降潤大千 龍王龍后慈悲深 推廣弘揚理繁瑣 十、迴向 魔難心病障覺途 總因不悟消我執 一、願具德上師長住世,已辭世者早降誕。 祈請林上師長住世偈 本來清淨瑜伽士 雙運妙化蓮華生 祈請林上師長久住世永轉法輪偈 蓮師密法依尊傳 文殊慧燈依尊續 傳承綿延廣化偈 代代相傳正法髓 承先啟後轉法輪
Six-arm Mahakala Expulsion Ritual Reverently Compiled by Guru Yutang Lin
Preliminaries 1. Motivation Fold palms together and sincerely recite: Perverse views and violent activities are running wild, May all beings have happiness and its causes! May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! 2. Original Purity Rest the hands in Dhyana mudra, and silently recite three times: All things are conditional phenomena, Visualize the whole Dharmadhatu return to original purity, and appear as boundless sky-blue light. 3. Totality Visualize that all the four classes of saints and the six realms of sentient beings appear from this blue light. Visualize that one's father and mother are to the right and left side, all beings related to one through past karma to the front, and the rest of the sentient beings behind. Among the six realms of sentient beings behind one, those in hells who need salvation most are closest to one, then are the other beings in the order of hungry ghosts, animals, humans, asuras, and finally the heavenly beings. All sentient beings are facing the same direction as the practitioner. Visualize that in the space in front of the practitioner are all the holy beings: Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arahats, Pratyeka-Buddhas, Dharma Protectors, etc. At the center is Six-arm Mahakala, with Thousand-hand Thousand-eye Guan Yin presiding in the space above him; they are surrounded by layers after layers of all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and holy beings. All holy beings, with great compassion, look attentively at all the sentient beings below. 4. Taking Refuge Fold palms together and sincerely recite three times the following refuge formula while visualizing that all sentient beings are gazing with admiration at Thousand-hand Thousand-eye Guan Yin in the sky and recite together in unison: Original Purity, oh, Patriarch Guru Chen! I take refuge in the Vajra Guru. Visualize that all holy beings are rejoicing over sentient beings' ability to recognize and choose the path toward liberation. Thousand-hand Thousand-eye Guan Yin, on behalf of all holy beings, grants refuge to all sentient beings. From the heart chakra of Thousand-hand Thousand-eye Guan Yin rays of bright blue light radiate forth to each and every sentient being. In this way each sentient being's bad karma is eradicated, merits increased, and Bodhicitta nurtured. This ray of bright blue light then stays, like a candle flame, in the heart of the sentient being, shines forth the light of Bodhi, and sheds light on the right path of Bodhi forever. 5. Offering Visualize that all sentient beings take delight in participating in the making of extensive and long-term offerings and donations, and that they join the practitioner in reciting in unison the following stanza: Filling the whole Dharmadhatu with treasures, Beg to accept out of compassion and empathy, With water of merits and equality to pacify eight kinds of suffering, Visualize that all holy beings are delighted by the Bodhicitta which is the pure motivation underlying these offerings, and therefore gladly accept and enjoy the offerings. Each and every holy being obtains complete enjoyment of all sorts. All holy beings emit lights in blue, white, yellow, red and green color that enlighten the whole Dharmadhatu and give blessings to all sentient beings. Then all holy beings, other than Thousand-hand Thousand-eye Guan Yin and Six-arm Mahakala, transform into lights and merge into the Thousand-hand Thousand-eye Guan Yin. And then Thousand-hand Thousand-eye Guan Yin also transforms into light that descends through the top of Six-arm Mahakala and merges into Six-arm Mahakala's heart chakra. 6. Praise Recite with ardent devotion and may use accompanying Dharma instruments such as bell, drum, inverted bell (Yin Qing) and wooden fish; visualize that all sentient beings join the practitioner in ardently reciting in unison the following praise: Thousand hands with thousand eyes yet only one mind and one intention to save beings from sufferings Amitabha Buddha atop to indicate non-duality, Nine faces at three levels to save beings in the Three Realms, Sufferings of beings in the Six Realms are incessant, Six-arm Mahakala emits ferocious rays of blue lights, Suffering of beings in the six realms Out of compassion for sentient beings, protecting the right Dharma Visualize that Six-arm Mahakala, upon hearing this praise, is very pleased by the right faith of the practitioner and the sentient beings. Then Six-arm Mahakala emits bright blue lights from his heart chakra shining through the whole Dharmadhatu and giving blessings to all sentient beings so that their karmic debts and hindrances are eradicated, and their body and mind remain in tranquility and ease. Then Six-arm Mahakala sprinkles showers of nectar upon sentient beings to purify their karma of body, speech and mind. The nectar is also granted for sentient beings to drink in order to nourish their wisdom and expand their lifespan. 7. Supplication Visualize that all sentient beings join the practitioner in ardently reciting in unison the following supplication: Practicing deep wisdom of Blank Essence, and thereby transcending all sufferings. Thousand places praying got responses in all thousand places Situations in the world are daily becoming more dangerous, and peace and safety are shrinking daily, so sentient beings' lives are fragile and endangered; could it be that your merciful eyes have not noticed these? Perverse views are in abundance everywhere, violence and turmoil are flowing out of bounds, engaging in Dharma practices had become almost like a luxurious talk; could it be that your compassionate mind has not felt pity for these? Born of Guan Yin's compassionate mind, as marrow of the loving-kindness of all Buddhas, your salvation activities spread throughout the entire Dharmadhatu; Six-arm Mahakala, only you are our refuge and protector! All realms in perpetual peace and harmony, sentient beings enjoy good health and happiness, and Dharma practitioners attain full enlightenment; Six-arm Mahakala, may you grant us your protection and salvation! Visualize that Six-arm Mahakala, upon hearing this supplication, is very pleased by the right faith of the practitioner and the sentient beings. Six-arm Mahakala emits bright blue lights from his heart chakra shining through the whole Dharmadhatu and giving blessings to all sentient beings so that their karmic debts and hindrances are eradicated, and their body and mind remain in tranquility and ease. Then Six-arm Mahakala sprinkles showers of nectar upon sentient beings to purify their karma of body, speech and mind. The nectar is also granted for sentient beings to drink in order to nourish their wisdom and expand their lifespan. 8. Recitation of Mantras Na Mo Ye La Zha Ya Ya, Na Mo A Ya Ga La Sang Ga Ya, Pi Lu Zha La, Bu Ha La Zha Ya, Da Ta Ga Da Ya, Na Mo Sa Wa Da Ta Ga Ta Bei, A Ha Die Bei, Sang Ya Ga Sang Bu De Bei, Na Mo A Ya A Wa Lo Ge Bei, Xia Ya Ya, Pu Ti Sa Duo Ya, Ma Ha Sa Duo Ya, Ma Ha Ga Lu Ni Ga Ya, Da Ya Ta, Weng, Da La Da La, Di Li Di Li, Du Lu Du Lu, Yi Zha Wi Zha, Za Lei Za Lei, Za Za Lei Za Za Lei, Ku Su Mei Ku Su Mei, Wa Lei, Yi Li Mi Li, Zhi Di Za La, Ma Ba La Ye, Suo Ha Weng Ban Zha Ba Ni Hong Pei Weng Ban Zha Ma Ha Ka La Qin Qi Zha Bin Ge Lang Pi Lu Ya Ga Hong Hong Pei Suo Ha Weng A Hong Ma Qiu Ye Suo Ha Visualize that Guru and Six-arm Mahakala are inseparable and non-differentiable, and during the period of this mantras recitation, from the heart chakra of Guru bright blue lights emit to bless all sentient beings in the whole Dharmadhatu so that their karmic debts and hindrances are eradicated, and their body and mind remain in tranquility and ease. Upon being shed by the Buddha light, sentient beings' body and mind both purified, their roots for cultivation of merits and wisdom grow, and their minds are fully opened up to enjoy the joy of Dharma; all sentient beings in the worldly realms become tolerant and helpful to one another, and they all share peace and happiness. 9. Supplication for Lineage Blessings Supplication to the Refuge Tree of the Dharma Lineage of Adi Buddha Mandala To liberate all suffering beings from transmigration in the six realms Offered body to Guru, the unsurpassable mother of great pleasure Root Gurus of the founder of our Dharma lineage are three holy ones Patriarch Chen, Manjusri of Original Purity Taking care of all details is the grace of our lineage protectors Oath-bound blacksmith, the Honorable Damchen Dorje Legpa Establishment of our lineage is simply for salvation of suffering beings A Prayer for Yogi Chen's Blessings Prostration to all refuges of the great grace lineage Prostration to all refuges of the great grace lineage Supplication to Guru Lin for Blessing Prostration to all refuges of the great grace lineage Supplication to Bodhisattva Wei-Tuo Protector of Buddha Dharma, a great knight, You hold practitioners to be your children, Praise to the Dragon King The compassion of Dragon King's mind is deeper than oceans; Supplication to the Dragon King Dragon King and Dragon Queen sustained compassion profound. 10. Dedication of Merits Evil inflictions and mental illnesses hinder progress on the enlightenment path 1. May virtuous gurus remain with us and those departed return soon! Longevity prayer for Guru Lin Oh, originally pure yogi you are! Supplication to Guru Lin for Long Stay in the World and Everlasting Turning of the Dharma Wheel Tantric teachings of Guru Rinpoche rely on Your Reverence to pass on, Ever Spreading of the Lineage Marrow of the Right Dharma passed down from generation to generation,
Written in Chinese and translated into English on December 4, 2017
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