林鈺堂 威猛執金剛 總聆誓句 監護空行海眾 跋 金剛手菩薩,又號「執金剛」,即顯教之大勢至菩薩。彼為所有空行母誓句之監護尊,又是能號令毗沙門天王及其藥叉眾之大勢尊。智悲力三德圓融,方達圓覺,而彼即三德之中力充勢至之代表,更為以大力開展救渡事業之表率。 我曾在初次行毗沙門天王火供時,蒙恩先在夢中得龍繞腕踝〈即此尊之嚴飾〉之加持。花甲時蒙岳母賜贈「壽」字金戒指,又於夢中見戒子面上顯此尊聖像雙層。足徵恩庇佛子長壽以行救護眾生之事業。謹此造讚誌恩,以銘佛恩,以彰正信。
Praise to Vajrapani Yutang Lin Awesome and powerful Vajrapani Wrists and ankles adorned with dragons surrounding In perfect harmony of wisdom and compassion On my sixtieth birthday you blessed the longevity ring Comments: Vajrapani, a Bodhisattva of Tantric Buddhism, is known in the exoteric teachings of Buddhism as Bodhisattva Mahasthanaprapta, i.e., Da Shi Zhi Pu Sa to the Chinese. He serves as the guardian to all vows pledged by Dakinis, and hence watches over their observance to the vows. His awesome power is capable of ordering the Great Northern Heavenly King and his Yaksa followers to carry on Dharma activities. Only in perfect harmony of wisdom, compassion and power can full enlightenment be realized. And Vajrapani serves as the representative of the power aspect of this perfect trinity. He is the epitome of forcefully carrying out and expanding salvation activities. When I performed fire puja to the Great Northern Heavenly King for the very first time, in a dream earlier that morning my wrists and ankles were forcefully surrounded by dragons (appearing as small snakes). Since this is the ornament of Vajrapani, it was an auspicious sign of his blessing. On my sixtieth birthday my mother-in-law bestowed on me a gold ring with the Chinese inscription Shou (longevity) on it. Soon afterwards in a dream I saw the inscription transformed into two layers of images of Vajrapani. It was obviously an auspicious omen of his granting longevity with his blessing for me to carry on Dharma salvation activities. Reverently I composed this praise to commemorate his blessings forever, and to help instill right faith in readers. Written in Chinese and translated on October 19, 2007 [Home][Back to list][Praise to Vajrapani] |