----- Original Message ----- Wang Hao, It is done and attached. This email is Bcc to all on my list for them to share the works.
All Good Great Perfection 頂禮師佛! 尊貴的上師: 《普賢行願》印刻好,掃描呈上,請您斧正! 第一枚印在刻制過程中幾次打磨,再繼續雕琢。在最後修邊框時忽然沖下一塊。原來,大象牙椰子果這種堅實的材料,在某個方向較鬆脆,這是後來才體會的。 當時在聽您的《解脫之道》演講,遇到這樣的情況聽《解脫之道》就很適時,所以我不多想,放下這枚用另一枚椰子果畫譜雕刻,三天完成第二枚印。 現在看第一枚印,偶成的效果似有“破框而出”的意思,若無妨大局,或契合某種含義,願一併供養上師。 弟子願因此供,請您書寫《普賢大圓滿偈》。
----- Original Message ----- Both seals are wonderful; my wife also praised your ingenuity, she
happened to see them. The opening means boundless; very auspicious sign. On the back cover
of Wu Xian De Zhi Bei book, I also drew a circle without closing it to signify it is limitless. My wife said, both are good; one is boundless and the other is perfect, Yuan Man. And I noticed that the upper part of Pu is a couple hand in hand. I will write the Gatha you requested. I will take the perfect one, and you keep the boundless one because
you still need to learn to be more free. The seals are attached for all to share. Detong, post both on the websites. The Chinese letter is attached for Chinese readers to share the causal origins and know what the Gatha is. Well done, Wang Hao.
Yutang -----Original Message----- From: Hao Wang Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 10:24 PM To: Yutang Lin Subject: Seals Dearest Guru Buddha: They are attached. Wang Hao All Good Great Perfection Yutang Lin Right now readily accomplished,
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