當前煩惱莫再惹,轉思應對利諸方; 跋 媽幾女祖師之施身法,將切斷身執與供施有情,一舉齊修,同時並進,而成為絕妙之智悲圓融修法。今仿效其法巧妙之義理,而應用於修習去除我執,以便圓融無我智與同體悲。我執難以掌握,故只能於日常生活中,針對當前之煩惱,一方面修習放捨不顧,同時轉念思考當如何舉止應對,以便利涉及之各方。如此,於我執抬頭之一一煩惱中,皆努力修習施我利他,則難忍之煩惱因習於棄置而得以漸漸轉輕,並且因行止慣於牽就他人之方便,而使心量趨於寬厚。 願以此推廣其教之日常方便修行之法,略答媽幾祖師之教恩。
Giving Self up Giving Self up Yutang Lin Go no further into the haunting sorrows that are present. Comment: Chod, the tantric practice of cutting through, as taught by the female patriarch Machig Labdron simultaneously combines cutting attachment to body and making offerings to all beings into a superb practice. Now in the light of such wondrous unification of wisdom and compassion, one may apply the teaching to the cutting out of self-grasping. Since grasping to self is hard to discern one can confront only the sorrows that spring up in daily life. When one becomes aware of some sorrow or worry, on the one hand, one should practice not paying attention to it any further so as to get out of its shadow, simultaneously on the other hand, one should consider instead how to behave and respond so as to benefit all involved. In this way, whenever sorrows arise, one endeavors to practice giving self up to benefit others. Then all sorrows that are hard to endure will gradually dissipate out of neglect, while one's mind will gradually open up with the habit of making things convenient for others. May this indication of how to extend the teaching of Chod into daily life handling of sorrows and application of compassionate tolerance serve as a small token of my gratitude to the skillful teachings of Ma Machig.
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