觀音化現賜白袍,襯裡字句出佛經; 跋 陳師教示,耶穌為觀音菩薩之化現。吾人每逢耶誕及復活節皆行火供以供耶教五聖。余嘗數度於夢中見彼,並蒙賜一白袍,襯裡寫滿中文之佛經字句。修行途中難免種種磨鍊,余常思及耶穌之孤身受刑以為砥礪之典範。慈忍乃指出乎慈悲而甘願默默容忍,承受一切。 一九九八年十月廿一日
Praise to Jesus of Compassionate Tolerance ----- Original Message ----- Calligraphy and requests, including original works, are attached. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang From: Detong Praise to Jesus of Compassionate Tolerance Yutang Lin As incarnation of Avalokitesvara granted me a robe white, Comments: Guru Chen taught that Jesus was an incarnation of Avalokitesvara. Every Christmas and Easter we have performed fire pujas to the five saints of Christianity (Holy Ghost, Holy Father, Holy Mother, Jesus and the apostles) without fail since the Christmas of 1972. Several times I saw Jesus in dreams. Once he granted me a white robe with Chinese words from Sutras written all over its lining. As one walks on the path to Enlightenment it is inevitable to encounter all sorts of trials and tribulations. Often I would think of Jesus' crucifixion as a model of endurance. Compassionate tolerance refers to the willing endurance that is born of compassion to accept suffering for all. Written in Chinese: October 21, 1998 [Home][Back to list][Praise to Jesus of Compassionate Tolerance] |