近日剛在我們網站公佈〈轉山紀行〉。昨晚略得空,就看電影〈岡仁波齊〉;只看了15分鐘就覺得倦了,就去睡覺,那時纔九點多。哪知道一入睡,就一直看見自己在聖山領域,看到種種事情;到現在半夜一點半起身,中間沒停過這類夢境。 略述所見之總結於此: 這次的不斷感應之連續種種夢境,是我未曾意料的。「一得之愚」在此披露,希望能幫助有心去朝禮聖山岡仁波齊者。 在作完上述及其英譯後,已是凌晨兩點43分,就又回床去睡。一睡下馬上又得到最後的教示:行李簡單。並且加持了我一下,感恩!我想,這個教示是說,轉山期間不要顧及舒適,而要只帶維生的必需品,專心在朝聖上。
二○二三年九月二日 Learned through Inspirations Yutang Lin
Only a few days ago we posted at our websites a report, in Chinese, on pilgrimage to circumambulating the holy Mount Kailash. Last night I had a short time for a break, hence I watched a Chinese movie on such a pilgrimage; only 15 minutes into the movie, and I felt tired, so I went to bed at around 9:30. Unexpectedly, as soon as I fell asleep, I saw myself in the realm of the holy mountain, and repeatedly I witnessed all sorts of events in that area; up until I got up now at 1:30 a.m. such dreams never stopped. Briefly, I summarized what I saw here: Definitely do not sustain self-assurance and have an attitude of testing the holy mountain. Such transgression of disrespect will hinder your ventures and cause you to become trapped in extremely dangerous situations. The non-stop occurrences of continuous dream events were never expected by me. Here I revealed what I learned through such inspirations, with the hope that the knowledge could help people who intend to go on pilgrimage to the holy Mount Kailash. After I accomplished the writing above in Chinese and English, it was already 2:43 a.m., so I went back to bed to sleep. As soon as I fell asleep, immediately I received a final instruction: simple luggage. And I also sensed a blessing on me, most grateful! I think, this instruction means that, during circumambulation of the holy mountain, one should not pay attention to comforts but need to bring only the bare necessities to sustain life, and thereby concentrate on the pilgrimage.
September 2, 2023
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