五方佛緣起頌  林鈺堂       簡繁轉換 - 繁體



法界整體本無分 超越時空離限盡
悲憫世間眾生苦 方便說法別聖凡

任運示現佛陀處 權做法界之中心
面前背後稱東西 右手南方左側北

無限佛陀智悲融 為樹楷模說界面
五智四悲顯層面 立五方佛分表之

毗盧遮那佛居中 彰顯法界體性智
大日如來遍照恩 圓融四悲恆普渡

東方阿閦佛不動 大圓鏡智如斯現
眾生罪苦無可執 運法緣悲醒迷渡

南方寶生佛德滿 平等性智遍施眾
眾生佛陀原一體 順生緣悲廣益渡

西方阿彌陀佛尊 妙觀察智了因緣
淨土安養令開悟 同體大悲包容渡

北方不空成就佛 成所作智能化導
縱然無緣不暫捨 無緣大悲慈恩渡

皈依五佛遍禮矣 智悲如斯感德深
不肖弟子猶蒙恩 精進效法渡眾報


養和齋    於加州



Stanza on Dependent Origination of Buddhas in Five Directions

Yutang Lin


Totality of Dharmadhatu is originally indivisible,
Transcending time and space, without limitation and ending;
Born of compassion for suffering beings in worldly realms,
Pedagogical teachings set out, distinguishing saints and mortals.

Wherever Buddha appears,
′Tis taken as the center of Dharmadhatu,
In his front and back are called east and west,
To his right-hand side south, and left side north.

Boundless Buddha harmonized and unified wisdom and compassion,
To set up epitome, aspects are illustrated;
Five Wisdoms and Four Compassions are aspects and levels,
Five Buddhas are established to characterize these, respectively.

Vairocana Tathagata at the center,
Illustrating Essence-of-Dharmadhatu Wisdom;
Illuminating universally is the grace of Great Sun Tathagata,
Harmonized and unified Four Compassions in everlasting and universal salvation.

In the east is the immovable Akshobhya Tathagata,
Great-Round-Mirror Wisdom displays whatever as it is;
Sins and sufferings of beings cannot be grasped,
Applying Dharma-Conditions Compassion in awakening salvation.

In the south is the Ratnasambhava Tathagata, full of merits,
Wisdom of Equanimity grants blessings to all beings equally;
Sentient beings and Buddhas are originally in oneness,
In Sentient-Beings-Conditions Compassion benefitting all abundantly in salvation.

In the west is the Amitabha Tathagata,
Wisdom of Wondrous-Observation comprehends all causal connections;
In Pureland cultivates beings in safe environment till full awakening,
In Great Compassion of Oneness carrying out salvation through all-embracing tolerance.

In the north is the Amoghasiddhi Tathagata,
Wisdom of Accomplishing-Deeds enables guidance and conversions;
Even those without causal connections are not forsaken for a moment,
In Great Compassion of No-Connections salvation is done through Grace of Mercy.

Having taken refuge in the Five Buddhas and prostrated to them,
Comprehending wisdom and compassion as they illustrate, what profound grace!
Even as an unworthy disciple still graceful blessings bestowed,
Only in diligent practices to follow such epitomes in salvation of beings can we repay!


Responding to a request from disciple Mi En
Written in Chinese and translated into English on October 26, 2020
El Cerrito, California


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