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本來清淨佛 陳祖師心咒:嗡阿吽 班札古魯 衣尼吞尊 悉地 吽

金剛蓮華佛 林上師心咒:嗡阿吽 班札古魯 誒旺德棟 悉地 吽



法脈皈依境的最上一尊是代表法身的最初佛——普賢王如來,其身色即如無雲晴空之法身光明之藍色,與由其藍光散放出的白光所示現的佛母相擁。普賢王如來父母尊之下是佛教始祖 釋迦牟尼佛,再其下為藏密的始祖 蓮花生大士。蓮師之右手邊是曼達拉娃佛母,另側則為移喜磋嘉佛母。蓮師下方是普賢王如來壇城法脈的歷代祖師們,以陳祖師之三位根本上師為代表,分別是居中的紅教之 諾那活佛,其右側為白教的 貢噶祖師,而其左側則為白教的 八幫親尊祖師。三位祖師之下方便是普賢王如來壇城法脈的初祖 本來清淨佛陳健民祖師,其聖像是依照當年感應示現所繪。文殊菩薩化身的陳祖師呈童子相,手持慧劍跨騎在綠龍身上。

陳祖師座下的主尊便是金剛蓮華佛 林鈺堂上師。林鈺堂上師是四臂觀音的化身。主尊蓮座前方安置的是本法脈之標誌,而主尊座下有法脈的五位護法護持。中間的一位護法是韋馱菩薩,其右是毗沙門天王,左為海龍王。最右側的護法是當今多吉勒巴,而最左側是護法關公。法脈皈依境亦為許多天女所敬護,並有祥雲、七寶莊嚴著。皈依境右上方是表徵著慈悲的月亮,左上方則為代表智慧的太陽;此即智悲圓融的精要佛法之意。


弟子疾呼 敬述


A Brief introduction to the Lineage Refuge Tree of The Dharma Lineage of Adi Buddha Mandala


Heart Mantra of Patriarch Chen, Original Purity Buddha:
Weng A Hong Ban Zha Gu Lu Yi Ni Tun Zun Xi Di Hong

Heart Mantra of Guru Lin, Vajra Lotus Buddha:
Weng A Hong Ban Zha Gu Lu Ei Wang Die Dong Xi Di Hong

With blessing from lineage Gurus, Buddhas and protectors, the Thangka of the Lineage Refuge Tree of the Dharma Lineage of Adi Buddha Mandala had been constructed in December of 2012. This year is the year of the Dragon, and under the protective blessing of Dharma protectors such as heavenly gods, dragons, etc., this refuge tree Thangka had been accomplished smoothly to represent the continuation of our Dharma lineage so that faithful followers may worship it to receive blessings.

At the top of the lineage refuge tree is the Adi Buddha (Original Buddha), representing the Dharmakaya. The color of this Buddha is blue, signifying the Dharmakaya light that is like a cloudless autumn sky. He embraces his consort whose color is white, signifying the white light that accompanies the blue Dharmakaya light. Below them is the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni Buddha. Below him is Padmasambhava, Guru Rinpoche, the founder of Tantric Buddhism in Tibet. At his right-hand side is his consort Mandarava, and at his other side is his consort Yeshe Tsogyal. Below Guru Rinpoche are the lineage Gurus of our Dharma lineage as represented by three Root Gurus of Patriarch Chen, and they are Nona Tulku of Nyingmapa at the center, Patriarch Gangkar of Kagyupa at his right, and Patriarch Papong Khyentse of Kagyupa at his left. Below these three patriarchs is the founder of our Dharma Lineage of Adi Buddha Mandala, Original Purity Buddha, Patriarch Chien-Ming Chen, and his holy image is painted according to his inspirational experiences. As a transformation of Manjusri Patriarch Chen appears in youthful countenance, and with a wisdom sword in his hand, he rides on a green dragon.

The main character under the seat of Patriarch Chen is Vajra Lotus Buddha, Guru Yutang Lin. Guru Lin is a transformation of the Four-arm Chenrezig. In front of his Lotus throne is the logo of our Dharma lineage, and below his throne are five Dharma protectors of our lineage. At the center is Bodhisattva Wei Tuo, at his right is the Great Northern Heavenly King, Vaisravana, and at his left is the Dragon King. The protector to their right is Damchen Dorje Legpa, and to their left is Protector Guan Gong. The lineage refuge tree is also surrounded by many respectful heavenly lady attendants, and ornamented with auspicious clouds and seven treasures. The moon at the top on the right side represents compassion, and the sun at the top on the left side represents wisdom; thus the harmonization of wisdom and compassion in the essence of Dharma is signified.

Following Guru Lin's instructions
Respectfully written in Chinese by disciple Ji Hu
And then translated by Guru Lin into English
December 22, 2012
El Cerrito, California