正念起修偈 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體
萬法皆緣起 因果總不壞
跋 弟子海涵請我作偈,以便攝持在拙作〈藏密基本前行要略〉(收在拙編之《密乘初階》書內)中所陳述之拙編之「共同前行」:
----- Original Message ----- 發件人Yutang Lin 發送至Dharma Friends 日期2012年2月4日 上午7:57 主題FW: 前行 Upone request from disciple Hai Han, new gatha attached. Reference:http://www.yogilin.org/b5files/b0007.html#c2 May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! Yutang -----Original Message----- 頂禮大恩慈悲 上師父
Gatha on Right Views to Start Practices Yutang Lin
All things arise through causal conditions
Comments: Disciple Hai Han (Comprehensive as Ocean) asked me to compose a Gatha so as to summarize the "Common Foundational Practices" as I proposed in my essay on "The Foundational Practices of Vajrayana: A Summary of the Essential Points" as collected in my book on "The First Steps of Vajrayana":
And hence I wrote this Gatha.
Written in Chinese on February 3, 2012