不偏生死 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體
一般不假思索 求生 求長壽 或厭世 或感世苦難耐 轉而求死
既已生 死難免 佛法中道 求脫生死之輪轉不休 長痛久苦 而不偏生死 應視此生為了悟有情根本之機緣 並致力實修 以求脫生死 進而渡眾令皆出生死之輪轉
此生之意義及價值 不在久暫 榮枯 而在於是否證達自在 無入而不安寧 若真證達 方能令有緣眾普蒙法益 真正做到一體同享安寧
養和齋 於加州
Not Leaning toward Life or Death
Yutang Lin
Usually people without much thinking
Would prefer to live and to live long
Some feels tired of living or sufferings unbearable
Would instead prefer to die
Since we were born, death is inevitable
Dharma teaches the middle way
Aiming at escape from cycling in life and death
hence endless suffering and lasting pain
And yet not leaning toward life or death
This life should be regarded as an opportunity
comprehend the essence of being a sentient being
And to strive at solid Dharma practices
So as to transcend the endless cycling of life and
And then to help all beings to escape from such
The significance and value of this life
Do not lie in its long or short of duration
in its transient prosperity or destitution
But in whether one could attain transcendental ease
And find peace in whatever situation one is in
Once this is truly realized
Only then could one help all beings with suitable
share the benefits of Dharma practices and activities
And thus genuinely realize sharing of peace in
oneness of all
Written in Chinese and translated on March 13, 2011