髑髏離識我妄休,水晶透明契性空; 跋 密法以已離諸識之髑髏表無我之空性。因而有以五髑髏嚴首之五佛冠,既表五方佛,又象徵佛之五智。 近來思及若以水晶髑髏表之,其透明無色更能彰顯空性之無有特色。復於其中心,豎直開通一線,以表中脈已開,更符密法修證之果德。 將之告訴一些弟子,不久即得回報。在台北已覓得小形若干,可製一如斯之水晶髑髏項鍊及一戒子;在北京則已訂製一如斯之手串;而在成都之弟子則於歡喜此契合法理之表徵之餘,發心出資供之 如斯殊勝法緣一旦匯聚,今晨夢中即得瑞應:一大喇嘛將一串念珠交給其子,亦喇嘛,拿來給我。念珠之一半一如常珠,但另一半上則略有間隔分繫三髑髏。最上者為通常之髑髏,居中者為帶肉之首級,而最低者為透明質地,且僅有前半,後面平滑如玉。我接到後,將最低者之後面在我額上碰一下,表敬。接著大喇嘛即傳咒曰: 嗡 骷髏頭 沙哇辛冷 吽吽呸 隨後夢中又得知何等因緣可請出岡波巴及另一祖師之舍利子(意為紹隆佛種),然後挖出紅土中許多寶物(意為開現紅教伏藏)。醒後不復憶及詳細,但為瑞兆無疑矣!謹此恭錄以上之殊勝法緣及感應,與眾分享;願同蒙法益!
二○○九年二月七日由〈修習「無常」與《金剛經》法句要解〉中截取補入於此: 那,另外一個意思,我今天早上在想到說,在做功課的時候,想到一個什麼?就是我那天不是夢見那個骷髏頭的那個——一串念珠,人家給我一串念珠,一半是像平常那樣的;然後另一半呢,有隔了一段,有放了三個那個骷髏頭;對不對?那,我現在想起來——就是說,這個意義,我今天早上才又想到更深一層;為什麼?它那個一半是什麼?因為唐密的話,就是下三部的密宗的話,它有講說,一百零八顆的喔,分一半,他們只用一半;為什麼?一半代表「本有」。就是說,你本來是佛嘛!任何什麼——成佛的什麼、地道的什麼、那裡面的功德什麼,你本有、都有的,所以那一半不需要修的;所以他不用那一半,他只用另一半。另一半是表示什麼?修成的。因為我們已經染污了,已經世間了;對不對?要回去,那麼,所以你是修這一邊。 那,所以,這樣子了解的話,你看它那個一半是平常的,就很有道理——本有那邊不要修嘛。這個修成的這一半,為什麼要三個頭呢?欸,你注意看,頭一個,是那個普通的骷髏頭的。那個我在想說,跟「三解脫」(註﹕無生、無相、無願)來配合,可以配合;為什麼?它那個是「無願」嘛!它已經是骷髏了,它當然沒有任何願了,就是通常所謂的「願」嘛,這裡它無願。那一個——另外一個還是人頭,但是只剩頭了,只剩頭就沒有生命了,所以「無生」了。然後,最後第三個,它那個我看到的,我記得好像是比較透明、還什麼的,是不是?我現在不記得那個夢裡——反正那一個配合我們的那個骷髏頭,就變「無相」了,如果它是透明的;有沒有?透明就無相了;有沒有?就正好「無願、無生、無相」可以配合。 那,這個呢,這裡另外又可以講到說,你跟著上師身邊為什麼好?因為它這個東西,你問的問題,也不見得一次就問完全了,也不見得一次就答完全了;我們就是一直在生活裡會有新的東西;有沒有?噢,現在新的東西就講了,那,你們筆錄的時候,連我前面講的這些全部筆錄;然後呢,將來——當然囉,這一部分也可以再加到原來那一篇(〈水晶髑髏〉)的後面去了;這樣子。
Crystal Skull
A five-pendant necklace and a ring Crystal Skull Yutang Lin Separated from consciousness skull extinguished delusion of a self Comments: Buddhist Tantra uses skull's separation from consciousness to signify selflessness of Blank Essence. Therefore, in Tantra there is the Five-Buddha crown consisting of five skulls that represents both the Five Buddhas and the Five Wisdoms of Buddhas. Recently it occurred to me that, if crystal skull is adopted as such representative, then its transparency would signify more the lack of characteristics in Blank Essence. Furthermore, if a straight vertical tube is opened at its center to signify that the Central Channel had been opened, then it would match further the fruitful realization of Tantric practices. I revealed my ideas to some disciples, and soon afterwards responses came in. In Taipei some small size crystal skulls had been found to make a five-pendant necklace and a ring. In Beijing a bracelet consisting of such skulls had been ordered. And in Chengdu a disciple not only rejoiced in the significant and Dharma-befitting ideas but also aspired to make a donation toward the offering. As soon as such superior Dharma conditions had gathered, this early morning in a dream auspicious inspiration attained: Then later in the dream I learned of the causal conditions that would bring about the exhibition of sariras of Gampopa and those of another patriarch (this signified the continuation and propagation of Dharma practitioners), and then uncover many precious items from red earth (this signified the discovery of many Nyingmapa Termas). After I woke up I could not remember the details; however, there is no doubt that all these were auspicious omens. I carefully recorded here all above superior Dharma events and inspirations to share with all beings, and may all share the Dharma benefits!
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