賞月 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體

陽光強 令人垂首迴避
暗夜清輝 常引人仰望月亮

陰晴圓缺 此起彼落
不停繞伴 映日圓明

離俗奔月 嫦娥不畏廣寒孤寂
為證圓覺 行者豈得滯塵紛擾

菩提同心 散處天涯海隅
仰首明月 眼神便得交會


                     養和齋   於加州

Appreciating the Moon

Appreciating the Moon

Appreciating the Moon Yutang Lin

Sunlight strong, causing people to lower their heads in escape
Clear radiance in dark night, often led people to raise sight to the moon

Cloudy or clear, round or crescent
Risen from here, fallen down there
These were witnessed from some place at some time
Circling in constant companionship without break
Reflecting sunlight round and bright
Such is the original face of the Moon

Flew to the Moon in escape from worldly affairs
Chang E was not afraid of freezing expanse and lonely silence
To attain perfect enlightenment
How could a practitioner remain stagnant in worldly bustle

One mind in Bodhi, we are scattered all over the globe
Looking up to the Moon, our sights will meet in communion

Note: Chang E was a beauty in ancient Chinese legend. She took some fairy medicine and then flew to the Moon.

Upon request from disciple Si Rong on Mid Autumn Festival
Written in Chinese and translated on September 13, 2008
El Cerrito, California

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