因緣法 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體

何以說夢、解夢 煞有介事

以醒為實 以夢為虛

醒時一切 遷演不息 如何執實
夢中所知 不乏應驗 豈能盡虛

佛法所示 不落二邊 又當如何

若謂皆空 眼前夢中 栩栩歷歷

但解因緣 即可醒夢等觀
不論醒夢 無分虛實 唯因緣法

徹了因緣 便知無我 故曰性空
所謂空性 即指無我 唯餘因緣

因緣空性 一體兩面
法法因緣 法法性空

                     養和齋    於加州

Causal and Conditional Matters Yutang Lin

Disciple Wen Ying asked
Why mentioned dreams and interpreted them
As if they were substantial
Isn't it grasping insubstantial matters as real

Regarding waking moments as real, and dreams as insubstantial
Such is the dualistic distinction of real versus unreal

All things in waking moments are constantly evolving
How to grasp them as real
Matters learned in dreams are not seldom without correspondences
How could they all be unreal

As Dharma taught, not to fall into either extreme
How should it be

If they are all of Blank Essence
Things in sight or in dreams are all so vivid and alive
What should we as worldlings do

Just understand matters to be causal and conditional
     Then waking and dreaming states could be viewed as equal
Be it wakeful or in dream, no more distinction of real or unreal
     Matters are only causal and conditional
All things are present when causal conditions gathered
     And absent when causal conditions failed to meet

Comprehending the causal and conditional nature of all matters
One knows that there is no absolute and unchangeable Self
Hence the Essence of all matters is said to be Blank
What is meant by Blank Essence
Is the nonexistence of an absolute and unchangeable Self
Hence only causal and conditional matters remain

Causal and conditional matters and Blank Essence
Two aspects of one comprehension
Each and every thing is causal and conditional
Each and every thing is of Essence Blank

Written in Chinese and translated on October 29, 2007
Lunar September 19, anniversary of Guan Yin's Renunciation of Worldly Life
The Guru Golden Guan Yin Thangka arrived
El Cerrito, California

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