私執難放不願拋,深陷迷宮害自他; 跋 執著難捨而不願放,因為尚未認清自我局限之偏失、誤導及禍害。修行久了,體會到﹕執消愈徹底,不可思議的境界及功效愈多愈明顯,而自願捨執、放掉成見,以便能以清新的心地任一切流過。如此,於無造作中,渡生的事業卻不斷興起及圓成。 二○○七年六月十八日
Willingly Renounce Attachments ----- Original Message ----- From: "Yutang Lin" To: "Dharma Friends" Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 8:04 AM Subject: New Poem in Calligraphy_自願捨執 As requested by disciple Mian Yan, the new poem is now in calligraphy. 應弟子綿延之提請,新詩之作現已手書成。 The file is attached. 檔案附呈。 Attain Enlightenment Soon! 祝早成佛! Yutang 鈺堂 Willingly Renounce Attachments Yutang Lin Self-centered grasping is difficult to let go and unwilling to give up. Comment: One's grasping is difficult to renounce and unwilling to let go because one has not recognized clearly that self-limitation is biased, misleading and damaging to oneself and others. After long years of devoted Dharma services one realizes that, the more thorough the eradication of one's attachments the more occurrences of and the more distinctive are inconceivable supernatural experiences and salvation functions. Therefore, one voluntarily renounces grasping and ceases to hold pre-established views so that one may allow all things to flow through a fresh and clear mind. Thus, in the absence of contrivances, salvation activities naturally and incessantly arise and become accomplished. Written in Chinese and translated on June 18, 2007 [Home][Back to list][Willingly Renounce Attachments] |