忠義正氣垂典範,環宇華人咸敬仰; 二○○七年四月十四日
Supplication to Protector Guan Gong 2009/10/19 Yutang Lin Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jui khin yeo 尊貴的上師, I will do so later. 忠義正氣垂典範,環宇華人咸敬仰; 二○○七年四月十四日 南無耶拉喳亞亞 南無阿亞嘎拉桑嘎呀 毗盧喳拉 卜哈拉喳亞 達他嘎達亞 南無薩哇達他嘎他悲 阿哈得悲 桑亞嘎桑卜得悲 南無阿亞阿瓦羅鴿悲 蝦亞亞 菩提薩埵亞 嘛哈薩埵亞 嘛哈嘎魯尼嘎亞 達亞塔 嗡 達拉達拉 地唎地唎 度盧度盧 以札位札 雜擂雜擂 雜雜擂雜雜擂 姑訴昧姑訴昧 瓦擂 以唎密唎 之地雜拉 馬巴拉也 娑哈 另請問上師,焚化上師之聖符,是否一定要依據上師敬造之《化符利眾儀軌》做?因為有些佛友不懂得觀想,弟子認為只要心誠及為利眾,一般焚化聖符,也是可行.不知對否?請上師指導!謝謝. Yes. No need to do anything, just have faith and burn the mantra sheets with intention to benefit all needing help. 敬行頂禮 ----- Original Message ----- I had taken this supplication from the short ritual composed a while ago, and translated it into English. This is done so I can incorporate it into the collection of monthly
praises. Yutang Supplication to Protector Guan Gong Yutang Lin Long set the epitome of righteous loyalty for generations, Written in Chinese on April 14, 2007 [Home][Back to list][Supplication to Protector Guan Gong] |