金剛堅挺入深密,俱生妙喜超三世; 跋 張煜居士以陳上師曾造空行讚頌,為利益女性密法修行者,請我造空行勇父讚頌,使「空樂根本」之啟請得以圓滿。因造此讚。 願密法女修士眾咸得機緣蒙具證德之空行勇父加被而得以早日圓證空樂之本淨妙喜。 二○○七年四月廿二日
----- Original Message ----- F1396 was composed upon a request from Upasaka Zhang Yu. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang Praise to Dakas Yutang Lin Vajra solid and erect to enter the deep secret palace, Comment: Upasaka Zhang Yu wrote me an email, saying that, since Guru Chen composed praises to Dakinis, in order to benefit female tantric practitioners he requested me to compose praises to Dakas, i.e., male Sunyata practitioners, so that supplication to the Root of Sunyata Pleasure would be complemented and completed. Hence I composed this praise. May female practitioners of Buddhist Tantra all have the opportunity to be blessed by virtuous Dakas of attainment, and thereby soon attain fully the originally pure wondrous joy of Sunyata Pleasure! Written in Chinese and translated on April 22, 2007 [Home][Back to list][Praise to Dakas] |