一念淨信 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體




九四年前後,本人當時略有六七年顯宗基礎,雖對密宗成就祖師深具信心但對密法始終不得窺其門徑,由於不明密法實修體系故而難免理論上在信佛魔性中顛倒揣測,思想上頗多疑惑。一日忽得友人借閱 陳上師《曲肱齋全集》當時只知是前輩修行人的心得體會,且伴有些許爭議。經過一段時間細細讀來,漸被上師古雅簡潔的文風,緊湊嚴密的邏輯所感染,尤其是《反省錄》中的詞句,那隱藏在字裏行間的是一種充塞於天地之間都包容不下的毒辣道情,令我在同一時刻感到羞愧汗顏懊悔毛豎讚歎隨喜欽佩崇拜乃至淚如雨下…不由得心中造起了祈請上師攝受加持的讚詞,當誦到「頂禮無異文殊大悲化現身」時頓然昏厥,氣離出入不覺有身,湧大光明了無所得…歷時數十分鐘,醒來如同還陽之人起死回生,方覺道次第中人身難得所言不虛,始知真正上師甚深果位加持覺受不可思議。以上本人親身經歷,字字屬實,記錄為證。

                     後學弟子   施勇

                     養和齋   於加州

----- Original Message -----
From: "Yutang Lin"
To: "Dharma Friends"
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 12:29 PM
Subject: Singleminded Pure Faith_一念淨信

I wrote a short essay yesterday on an inspiration story I heard
while I was in Bei Jing, China last October from a disciple Shi Yong there. I intended to write also a poem about it, but I want to make sure that what I wrote from memory was correct, so I sent it to Bei Jing for confirmation. Today I received a detailed report in Chinese from him. So I finished my work with a poem, and add his report to the end of my work. Hence attached are my manuscript and his typed record.

Single-minded Pure Faith Yutang Lin

One thought of single-minded pure faith arose in his mind, that
Guru Chen was indeed an incarnation of Bodhisattva Manjusri!
Immediately a strong blessing of bright light came down to him,
And henceforth all his endeavors had centered on Dharma path.


Last October while I was in Bei Jing, China, one day in the parking lot of a restaurant "Tian Chu Miao Xiang" (Wondrous Fragrance of Heavenly Kitchen) disciple Shi Yong told me that, years ago when he was reading Guru Chen's works, he suddenly had a thought, "Guru Chen was indeed an incarnation of Bodhisattva Manjusri." Immediately he sensed a very powerful blessing of bright light that took over him. Thus he realized that Dharma is of real substance, and henceforth he endeavored to pursuit Dharma teachings and practices. His whole life was henceforth transformed. Today while I was telling some Buddhists why I had such deep faith in the Dharma that I could dedicate my life to Dharma practices and services, this incident came to my mind, so I wrote it down to help people develop faith in the Dharma and in the lineage of Guru Chen.

I sent the above paragraph to Bei Jing for Shi Yong to verify my recollection. He sent back a detailed account of things leading to that inspiration experience in a file. So it is attached below:

Around 1994 I had learned Sutrayana teachings for 6 or 7 years, and even though I had deep faith in accomplished patriarchs of Vajrayana, nevertheless I could not figure out an approach to Vajrayana. Since I did not know the stages of the path in Vajrayana, I could not help guessing in theory what would be right or wrong, Buddha or Devil, and I was rather puzzled in my thoughts. One day some friend lent me the Complete Works of Guru Chen. At the time I knew only that it contained words of experiences of an earlier Dharma practitioner, and the contents arose some controversy. After I had carefully read it for some time, I was gradually moved and affected by the Guru's refined yet simple style and cogent reasoning. Especially statements in his Collection of Reflections are full of sharp feelings of Dharma that fulfill and transcend the space between heaven and earth, and made me simultaneously felt ashamed, regret, hairs-on-end, exclaim in praise, rejoice, respect, worship, and tears falling like rain, etc. Thus I could not help but to begin composing a praise in my mind to supplicate to the Guru for accepting and blessing me; and as I said, "Prostration to the incarnation of great compassion that is no different from Manjusri" suddenly I fainted, my breathing stopped and I did not feel that I had a body, a great brightness appeared and nothing else remained. It lasted for tens of minutes. As I woke up I felt like resurrected from death. Only then did I sense that the teaching in Stages of the Path that human birth is not easy to obtain was indeed meaningful. Only then did I know that real Guru of profound attainment could render blessings beyond comprehension. The above was a faithful account of my personal experience, without any false words, and I recorded it here as a testimony.

Written in Chinese on April 1, 2007
Translated into English on April 2, 2007
El Cerrito, California

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