嬰靈待渡 林鈺堂
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慈懷滿納亡嬰眾,軀空能容待渡兒; 跋 在中國旅遊途中,接弟子成穗之電郵,請我走訪醫院之婦產科,以代表攝受嬰靈眾,並為大陸歷來無數之人工或自然流產嬰靈眾修頗瓦以超渡之。昨天在北京經過協和醫院時,即想以之為代表攝受大陸所有亡嬰眾。今晨睡時見自軀中空明亮,滿佈嬰兒。想是彼等已來群集待渡矣。明日即將赴本地墳場超幽,一併超渡之。 二○○六年十月十六日 養和齋 於北京 Aborted Beings Waiting for Powa Yutang Lin Compassionate chest was fulfilled with aborted
fetuses, Comment: During my trip in China I received an email from disciple Stanley Lam asking me to visit the maternity ward of some hospital as a token of embracing all aborted fetuses in China for Powa service. Yesterday while passing the Xie He hospital in Bei Jing in a car on the street I thought of using it as representative of the act of embracing all aborted fetuses in China. This morning while I was still asleep suddenly I saw the inside of my torso was bright and vacant of other things but fulfilled with many babies, one close to the other, forming concentric circles. I thought that it meant they had gathered in waiting for the Powa salvation. Tomorrow I will visit a local cemetery to perform Powa, and they will all be included in the service.
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