藥師讚頌 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體


十二大願 護導群生 但聞聖號息災厄
淨琉璃身 照曜法界 恭敬供養離怖畏
大陀羅尼 滅除眾苦 虔持常念得安穩
十二大將 衛護淨信 燃燈誦經續慧命

                     養和齋      於加州


Praise to the Medicine Guru Buddha

Praise to the Medicine Guru Buddha

----- Original Message -----
From: "Yutang Lin"
To: "Dharma Friends"
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 9:29 AM
Subject: Praise to Medicine Guru Buddha_藥師讚頌

Calligraphy and original work attached.

Attain Enlightenment Soon!


Praise to the Medicine Guru Buddha Yutang Lin

Namo Medicine Guru Buddha of Lapis Lazuli Light

Great vows twelve in number, guarding and guiding all beings;
Mishaps and misfortunes fade away upon hearing thy holy name.

Pure body of lapis lazuli light, brightening the whole Dharmadhatu;
Worshipping it with offerings in reverence yields freedom from fear.

Great mantra of secret power, pacifying and eradicating all suffering;
Repeating it devoutly and constantly brings peace and harmony.

Guarding generals twelve in number, protecting the pure and faithful ones;
Offering lamps and reciting the sutra will prolong life of wisdom.

Chinese original contained in the ritual text for daily practice of Medicine Guru Buddha
Translated: July 25, 1999
El Cerrito, California

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