大悲波羅蜜多心要簡繁轉換 - 繁體林鈺堂
The Heart Mantra of Great Compassion ---- Original Message ----- From: "Yutang Lin" To: "Dharma Friends" Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 6:53 AM Subject: Two Works in Calligraphy_大悲心咒、白度母讚頌 As requested by disciple Mian Yan I have written the Heart Mantra of
Great Compassion that I wrote in my "Compassion Sastra" in calligraphy,
and also the praise to White Tara in White Tara Unification Sadhana, F1279.
The Heart of Sublimation through Limitless-Oneness Compassion Sastra ----- Original Message ----- From: "Yutang Lin" To: "Dharma Friends" Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 7:08 PM Subject: Heart Sutra in Calligraphy_手書之心經 Disciple Wang Hao sent his calligraphy of Heart Sutra and my Heart
Sastra as presents for my birthday. I share the Heart Sutra with you. I had shared his calligraphy of
the Heart Sastra with you in the past, so I am not sending it this time. Here is one seal on it; the words are Chun Zhen, purity.
Yutang The Heart of Sublimation through Limitless-Oneness Compassion SastraHeart Sastra.Dr. Yutang Lin
"Sudhana! The Limitless-Oneness of all these things transcends existence and non-existence, attraction and repulsion, plurality and singularity. Therefore the Limitless-Oneness contains phenomena, contains feeling, conceptualization, motivation, consciousness; contains eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind; contains color, sound, odor, flavor, touch, impression; contains eye-species up to and including perceptual-consciousness-species; contains Ignorance and elimination of Ignorance, up to and including senility and death and elimination of senility and death; contains suffering, its causes, its transcendence, the path toward its transcendence; and transcends Loving-kindness and loss. Since there is transcendence of loss, by sublimation through Limitless-Oneness Compassion, a Bodhisattva's mind is free from attachment. Since there is no attachment, there is no criticism. There is freedom from prejudiced discriminations, and Nirvana is realized." "Buddhas of the past, present and future attain the Unsurpassable Right and Full Enlightenment by sublimation through Limitless-Oneness Compassion. Therefore sublimation through Limitless-Oneness Compassion is known to be the great mind mantra, the great loving-kindness mantra, the indiscrimination mantra, the all-encompassing mantra, capable of enduring all suffering, absolute and joyous. Hence, the mantra of sublimation through Limitless-Oneness Compassion is to be proclaimed." So He utters the mantra: Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance for all, tolerance with joy, bodhi svaha![Home][Back to list][The Heart of Sublimation through Limitless-Oneness Compassion Sastra][Related works:智悲圓融—簡介〈大悲波羅蜜多心要〉] |