詩籤 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 道途心聲載詩篇,裁成書籤供眾享; 跋 台北某居士(彼好默默奉獻,故隱其姓)發心將余之中、英詩作,擇出部分以電腦印製成書籤,以供流通結緣。數年以來已製成數十批,每批皆數十種,每種各若干份。不論色澤、形式、插圖、字型等等,皆是變化多端,美不勝收。並且皆附有陳上師主頁之網址,以便得之者進一步探索其餘。流通以來,極受歡迎。佛友往往多拿以分贈親友。經由網頁來索書者,余亦附贈之。最有意思的是,往往在不經意隨手分贈諸人時,卻發現各個得者皆覺得所得之詩正給予恰當之指點。足見菩提機緣,在冥冥之中有宿世因緣之牽引,不可思議也! 二○○五年八月二日
Poem-markers Yutang Lin Mind's murmurs on the practice path recorded in poems after poems, Comment: An Upasaka (he likes to make anonymous contributions, hence his last name is omitted here) in Taipei came up with the idea to select some of my poems in Chinese or English, and use computer to design and produce bookmarkers containing them for free distribution. Over the years he had made dozens of bunches, each bunch contained dozens of kinds, and each kind consisted of about 10 bookmarkers. Be it the colors, formats, images added, fonts, etc., there are always new variations that are pleasing to the eyes and tastes. Furthermore, the website address of Guru Chen's Homepage is also added on the bookmarkers so that thereby people may track down more works. Ever since their circulation they have been much welcomed. Dharma friends often took more to share with friends and relatives. Those book-requests that came through the website of Guru Chen were also recipients of such bookmarkers included with the gift of books. The most interesting thing is that, often when the bookmarkers were given out randomly to a few people, we soon discovered that each and every recipient felt that the guidance contained therein was just suitable for their individual situations. Thus we realized that Bodhi opportunities and connections were led and guided mysteriously through karmic causations, and hence beyond ordinary comprehension. Written in Chinese on August 2, 2005 [Home][Back to list][Poem-markers] |