法緣 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 法眼等慈視眾生,結緣淺深順自然; 跋 弘法者對一切有情視為同體而無偏好。至於各個學佛者之法緣淺深、久暫,種種轉折,則視其根器及機緣而定,只能任其自然發展。詠道之作品,其視野及對象皆遍及十方三世之眾生,而非針對一時一地之某人某事。明乎此,則不落恩怨計較之俗套,而有借鏡提攜之功能。 二○○四年十一月二日 Dharma ConnectionsDr. Yutang Lin
Comment: To a propagator of Dharma all beings are in oneness and hence there could not be any preference. As to the degree of depth, the length of duration and all sorts of twists and turns on the path in the case of each individual, they all depend on that individual's propensity and karmic connections, and hence they could evolve only naturally. Works on Dharma are written in view of all beings in the Dharmadhatu and for all eternity and hence are not addressing specifically to someone and some event at some particular juncture of time and space. Once this point is understood, such writings would not fall into the worldly pattern of haggling over favor and grudge but could instead offer help as reflection and guidance on the path. Written in Chinese on November 2, 2004
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