紙船 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 欲答友誼化聖符,持往生咒助西歸; 跋 七月末梢在台北接舊金山閔居士電話,謂彼日前為兩位因車禍而新亡之年輕友人燒化〈彌陀聖號符〉等,並持誦〈往生咒〉多遍。當夜即夢見自身與眾人同在一船上,船之前、中及後側皆懸有對聯。剎那間全船變為紙質,並聞天語說:「此咒未經上師傳授,因此船開不出去」。彼曾持〈往生咒〉數十萬遍,經此方知還是要先經師授才有傳承加持之力足以渡亡。我即應允回美後面授之,並為其友人修頗瓦。此屬教授之夢。彼一念真誠欲渡亡友,因此感得佛恩指點,使彼之菩提心願得以真正達成。 約在同時我也接受台北蔡居士之皈依,並傳以〈蓮師咒〉。當時有弟子旁白,謂蔡已持此咒數十萬遍。幸而蔡依然虛心領受。數日後蔡來機場送行,自謂修密十餘年,一直感覺未能觸及真髓,觀想總不明顯,但一經皈依及傳咒,即豁然開朗,觀想清晰。足見真正傳承之加持非同凡響。 咒屬密法,皆應經上師傳授及依師之口音為準,方有效力。至於學術研究所考訂之咒語及發音,在實修之體驗上,則無顯著之立即效應。 Paper Ship Yutang Lin Burning holy mantra sheets in order to repay kindness of friendship, Comment: Near end of July while in Taipei, Taiwan I received a phone call from
Upasaka Min in San Francisco. He said that the day before he had burned
the "Namo
Amitabha Buddha" mantra sheets and other mantra sheets
while repeating the Rebirth in Pureland Mantra so as to help two young
friends who recently passed away in separate car accidents. That night
in a dream he saw himself and many people aboard a large ship, and the
front, middle and rear section of the ship had poles hanging Chinese couplets.
All of a sudden the ship turned into paper-made, and a heavenly voice said, "This
mantra had not been transmitted by the Guru, and hence the ship could not
set sail." He had accumulated repetition of the mantra for several
hundred thousand times; now through this experience he realized that in
order to have enough blessing power to help deceased to gain rebirth in
Pureland the mantra needs to be transmitted by the Guru to carry the blessing
of the lineage. So I promised him that I would transmit the mantra in person
to him when I return to US, and that I would include his friends in my
Powa service. That was a teaching dream. His sincerity in wanting to help
his friends gain rebirth in Pureland had inspired Buddha's blessing in
giving him such teachings so that his Bodhi wish may truly realize.
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