空樂印 林鈺堂 陽而能空陰樂承,密合圓融且滿盈; 跋 今年十月蒙台北莊老居士賜贈圓筒形之檀木小印一枚,印紐刻成雙手合掌,中間微開。合掌有智悲雙運之密義,其間微開則表體性本空。即請祥耀刻為「空樂」印,並建議:空字陽文在上,樂字陰文居下,以象徵密法之空樂雙運。二字填滿圓面,以表空樂滿盈且圓融。印紐雙掌微開面朝己,以表空樂來納。昨日接傳真,祥耀之創作完成矣!其空字上方用及圓周,下方密接樂字,充分表達圓滿密合之妙義。謹此誌之,並附印文於後以供眾同賞。
Seal of Sunyata Pleasure in Calligraphy
Seal of Sunyata Pleasure Yutang Lin Yang unified with Sunyata is well received by Yin with pleasure. Comment: In October of 2003 senior Upasaka Zhuang of Taipei, Taiwan granted me a small cylindrical sandalwood seal. The top of the seal is carved in the shape of folded palms that are slightly apart. In Tantra folded palms signify the cooperative union of wisdom and compassion, and the thin space in between signifies the emptiness of its substance. Soon thereafter I asked Upasaka Tan Seong Yeow to carve it into Kong (Sunyata) Le (Pleasure) seal with the following suggestion: Kong above in line strokes and Le below in blank strokes, thus to signify the union of Sunyata and Pleasure in Tantric Love practices. And the two characters are to fulfill the round surface to signify that Sunyata pleasures are full and harmonious. The side of the folded palms atop that is fully open is to face the user of the seal so as to signify reception by Sunyata pleasure. Yesterday I received a fax telling me that Seong Yeow had accomplished the creative work. The upper part of the Kong character he carved made use of the circumference, and its lower part forms part of the Le character below and is therefore inseparable therefrom, and thus fully displays the subtle meaning of secret union in harmony. Here I carefully recorded these wondrous Dharma activities and attached a stamp of this seal below for all to share in appreciation of its artistry.
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