金身韋馱沐恩弟子林鈺堂金身韋馱施無畏,中道智日賜台階; 跋 昔年曾蒙韋馱菩薩示現全金法身,並教示流通「施無畏相」以蔭眾生。隨即有吳宗信居士聞訊特贈福建老師傅精雕之黃楊木法像。經余祈請蒙恩准留駐台北寒舍,以護佑在台法務。多年以來雖屢次思及貼金以彰恩德,惜乎因緣皆欠具足。 今年恰有熟諳此藝之空樂女居士發心承擔,並蒙佛友眾慨助中、日、台三地所製之金箔,而得以修整法像,全面貼金。 空樂曾貼金佛像逾乎千尊。此作極為殊勝,出乎意料地是由菩薩在冥冥之中導引應當如何圓滿之。金源為中、日、台三地,恰巧合乎菩薩之行實:發乎「中」道智「日」(圓滿光明之智慧)而為種種層次之修行者舖陳上進之「台」階。 金像恰於中秋前夕圓成,安回原位,而形成諸佛菩薩中秋團圓之佳話。願隨菩薩恩德之彰顯而使眾生上進佛道之福慧因緣日趨圓熟! 相關文章:金色韋馱聖像 Golden Wei Tuo
Golden Wei Tuo ----- Original Message ----- Golden Wei TuoBlessed Disciple Yutang Lin
Comment: About nine years ago I was blessed with a vision of the solid gold body of Bodhisattva Wei Tuo. And through the inspirational experience I was taught to distribute the photo of the Giving of Fearlessness to benefit sentient beings. Soon afterwards Upasaka Zong Xin Wu learned about the inspirational event and offered me a statue made of boxwood that was finely carved by an old expert craftsman in Fu Jian, China. Upon my supplication the Bodhisattva graced us with an indication of his willingness to stay at my Taipei residence so as to help promote Dharma activities in Taiwan. Over the years, now and then, I thought of gilding this statue as a token of gratitude and devotion; unfortunately the opportune conditions had remained insufficient. Luckily this year Detong (Sunyata Joy), a devoted practitioner well-versed in the art of gilding holy statues, voluntarily pledged to undertake this project as an offering. With help from many Buddhists who donated gold leaves made in China, Japan or Taiwan, she skillfully repaired, polished the statue and finally gilded it all over its surface in very fine details. Detong had gilded over thousand Buddhist statues in the past. This time the experience was very unique and supreme. Unexpectedly, the work was accomplished under the tactful guidance of Bodhisattva Wei Tuo; when the part done was not satisfactory to the Bodhisattva it would become unacceptable and need to be redone. Sources of the gold were from China, Japan and Taiwan. In Chinese the characters representing these three places are Zhong (middle), Ri (Sun), and Tai (platform). That happened to match a proper description of Wei Tuo's Dharma activities: Born of the wisdom Sun of the Middle Way (Complete and Bright Wisdom) to pave stairways (series of platforms) for the advancement of all sorts of serious practitioners. The holy statue happened to be fully and satisfactorily gilded on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and returned to its original seat that evening. Thus, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the altar had their reunion on the Festival, just as Chinese people are accustomed to do so on this festive day. May this glorification of Bodhisattva Wei Tuo's wondrous merits and blessings help promote the daily maturation of meritorious and wisdom conditions for all sentient beings to advance on the path toward enlightenment!
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