因緣聚合方結果,定律陳述唯關聯; 跋 定律所述乃因緣與結果之關聯,因此皆出乎條件語句之形式—「若如此,則如彼」。定律只陳述「此」與「彼」間之必然關係—「有此必將有彼」。至於「此」與「彼」各別之虛實,則非定律所計。 佛所述乃真理之法則,故謂之「法語」。因此經中佛陀之開示亦多為條件語句。若能明白條件語句之重點乃在指示其前後二部分之必然關聯,則不需計議其前後部分各別語句之虛實。
Statements of Law ----- Original Message ----- As requested by you-know-who I had written you-know-what into calligraphy.
Statements of Law Yutang Lin Causes and conditions meet to yield results; Comment: Statements of laws express relationships between causal conditions and their consequences. Therefore, they assume the form of a conditional statement, i.e., "If this be the case, then that would be the case." Laws assert only the necessary connection between this and that-if this is the case, then that must be the case. As to the truth or falsehood of this or that individually, it is of no concern to the laws. Buddha's teachings are expressions of laws of truth. Therefore they are called "Dharma," statements of laws. That is why in the sutras Buddha's words are often expressed as conditional sentences. Once it is understood that the point of a conditional sentence is to indicate the necessary connection between its two parts, then one no longer need to argue about whether its individual segments are true or false.
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