自願 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 清泉長流闡解脫,隨人汲飲沁心脾; 跋 佛法闡明解脫之道,以供有心求得徹底離苦者之遵循。至於進修與否,則在於各人自願之取捨;證入之淺深,則視各人自發努力之程度而定。因此吾人弘法,只能如清泉長注,不斷闡揚。若以佛理責成他人之遵循,不但罕見生效,反而惹起新的事端,並且可能隨之逐步陷入諍辯不休的泥沼。 二○○一年九月廿七日 Voluntary Yutang Lin Clear fountain constantly flows to expound liberation, Comment: Buddhist teachings expound the path to liberation so that people who are sincere in obtaining ultimate emancipation from suffering could proceed correctly. As to adopting actual practices it is a matter of personal voluntary choices; and depths of attainment depend on degrees of individual voluntary efforts. Therefore, the proper way to propagate the Dharma is to maintain constant spreading of the teachings, like a clear fountain that never stops flowing. If, however, one were to blame or criticize others based on Buddhist standards or ideals, or to demand fellow Buddhists to observe or follow the teachings, then, not only would it be rare to see effective results but also could there be new controversies arising. Furthermore, they could step by step pull one into the mire of endless debates. Written in Chinese on September 27, 2001 [Home][Back to list][Voluntary] |