清道夫 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 獨力豈堪清眾業?何況冤債累劫積; 跋 或問,遇重大災難,亡者眾多,如何為彼等修頗瓦法超渡?不論亡者眾寡,修頗瓦時,皆觀想彼等全部集中於阿彌陀佛化身之內,並且包括全法界中待渡之所有亡者眾。如此艱鉅之救渡,以行者區區之力,豈能勝任?更何況各個亡者之宿業皆是多劫累積,極為深重繁雜,僅為一位消業已極不易,怎能同時為眾多亡者消業?頗瓦所以能完成此等殊勝之救渡,正因為並非行者一人之力,而是法界諸佛之恩。行者猶如清道夫,將待消之宿業集中一處;諸佛無盡之救渡猶如清道車隊之不停運輸,因而得以將亡者之宿業除盡。 二○○一年九月廿一日 Garbageman Yutang Lin How could single effort clear a multitude of karma? Comment: Some asked, "In case of big tragic events when many victims passed away, how to perform Powa to help those deceased beings?" No matter the number of deceased is large or small, when Powa is performed they are all visualized as gathered into the Nirmanakaya of Amitabha Buddha, and in addition all those beings in the Dharmadhatu that need this blessing are included. How could the single effort of a practitioner suffice to carry out such a tremendous task of salvation? Not to mention the fact that usually each individual's karma is accumulated over many past lives and hence very complicated and burdensome; consequently, just to clear one being's karma is already very difficult, how could the heavy accumulation of karmas of so many beings be evacuated simultaneously? Powa could accomplish such extraordinary salvation precisely because it is relying not on one practitioner's single effort but on the blessings of all Buddhas in the Dharmadhatu. The practitioner is just like a garbageman who collects karmas into one huge bundle, and the endless blessings of all Buddhas is like a caravan of garbage trucks that continues to pick up and remove karmas. Therefore, the huge accumulation of karmas of so many deceased beings could be completely evacuated through Powa. Written in Chinese on September 21, 2001 [Home][Back to list][Garbageman] |