深恩 林鈺堂 佛恩深微難窺測,久修親歷漸覺知; 跋 佛法教示出乎一般世間常情的眼界與修行,因此能徹底信仰奉行的不多。因緣成熟,稍具信心者,往往只急於求取眼前世間事情的順利,希望能仰仗佛力消災添福,而忽略了長遠證覺的純正目標。從多年深入修行及服務而領得種種加被的體驗看來,實在是因小失大,不能領略佛法真正能提供的,是如何殊勝的解脫啊!
Profound Grace Yutang Lin Profound Grace of Buddhas indeed hard to fathom; Comment: Buddhist teachings encompass views and practices that are beyond the ordinary worldly ways; therefore, not many people could have thorough faith and adherence to the Buddhist way. Due to maturity of causes and conditions some would sustain a level of faith in Buddhism. However, many such believers are simply eager to obtain help in worldly matters, hoping to gain Buddhas' grace in reducing karmic hindrances and increasing personal well-being. They seem to forget or ignore the pure goal of eventually attaining enlightenment for all sentient beings. Based on my experiences of years of devoted practice and service in the Dharma, when compared with the inspirational blessings received from Buddhas and protectors worldly gains are indeed trivial. A wise Buddhist would not loose sight of the superior liberation that could be achieved through Buddhas' blessings to concentrate on the immediate worldly favors.
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