旅行遷居修撒手,千般準備難周全; 跋 人生必定之事,莫過於辭世。知無常者,於旅行、遷居之際,正好修習撒手。不論如何預備,臨時總是難免掛漏。時刻一到,身不由己,種種預期皆隨步履所揚起之塵埃而落地,無可再計矣!當以念佛淨心為主,不顧其他。 一九九九年七月十九日
Practice Letting It Go Yutang Lin Travel and move are opportunities to practice letting it go; Comment: The most definite thing about one's life is none other than the eventual departure from it. Whoever is aware of impermanence could use travel and move as opportunities to practice letting it go. No matter how well prepared, when the moment approaches there could hardly be nothing overlooked. As the time is up, despite one's inclinations, all sorts of anticipations would fall with the dusts that the departure would stir up. Considerations would be no more! One should maintain the holy name "Amitabha" to purify the mind, and pay no attention to the rest. Written in Chinese: July 19, 1999 [Home][Back to list][Practice Letting It Go] |