主從易位 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 自我中心難移易,供佛香燈習勤役; 跋 吾人以自我為中心之見解、習性及生活,不易察覺,極難突破。學佛要由我執之格局中解脫出來,故先由晨昏供佛香、燈、水、花等做起,學習勤勞服侍,以佛為主。至於專修之行人,若能隨侍上師,猶如廝從之承事,則於生活中點點滴滴皆成為抉擇我執或順從師意之考驗。有志者於此等活生生之歷鍊中善加利用,則能如抽絲剝繭一般,漸漸消磨我執,長年之後,可以漸漸契入本淨。 至於何種上師可以如此追隨,則當以菩提心為基準來觀察、選擇。行者並應當明確瞭解師徒關係不是世俗人際之交情,而是完全基於對菩提心之認同。 一九九九年二月廿二日
Switching Master and Attendant ----- Original Message ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Detong Switching Master and Attendant Yutang Lin Self-centered outlook and ways are indeed difficult to change; Comment: Our self-centered outlook, habits and way of life are not easy to be aware of and very difficult to break through. To become enlightened, one needs to evolve from and transcend the self-imposed framework. Therefore, one begins with the daily offering of incense, lamps, water, flowers, etc., to learn and practice diligent service to Buddha as the master. As to full-time practitioners, if they can attend a Guru as servants would, then all the chores in daily life become occasions to test one on whether to follow one's inclinations or to obey the Guru's wishes. A devoted practitioner would make good use of such real-life trials so that the cocoon of one's grasping would be unwound thread by thread. After long years of such practice one may gradually attain original purity. As to what kind of Guru may be followed in such a fashion, one should base on Bodhicitta to observe and choose. Practitioners should understand clearly that the Guru-disciple relationship is not a worldly association, but is solely based on a common identification with the Bodhicitta. Written in Chinese: February 22, 1999 [Home][Back to list][Switching Master and Attendant] |