山神恩光 密法弟子林鈺堂


住家附近之山神,蒙 陳師授余煙供法以供之,已十餘年。嘗蒙示現供爐之形,如太師椅。又示現其牌位之座落、佈局,以及彼所好之供品、金紙之類形。余皆一一遵循。彼嘗示現金豹,坐守關房外側之陽台,也曾示現虎及猴群來賜助力。住此區已二十餘年,蒙彼福蔭,平安吉祥。謹此銘記其恩德。願此區大眾同蒙彼佑。

                     養和齋    於加州

he Grace of Mountain God

The Grace of Mountain God

The Grace of Mountain God Yutang Lin

Meritorious and virtuous mountain god, master of auspicious land,
After years of smoke pujas revealed the desirous shape of stove.
Proper location and desirable offerings were kindly pointed out;
Golden leopard guards retreat while tigers and monkeys patrol.


Following the Superior Smoke Sacrifice ritual transmitted to me by Guru Chen, I have made regular offerings to the local mountain god for almost two decades now. Once in a dream the desirous shape of the stove was revealed to be as a grandeur armchair. At other times, the proper location of the lotus seat for him and how it should be arranged were also revealed. The kind of offerings and gold leaves preferred were also revealed through dreams. I have followed all these revelations. Once during my retreat in a dream he appeared as a golden leopard sitting on the sundeck outside the retreat room. He and his attendants also appeared in dreams as tigers and monkeys to come help me. I have lived in this area for over two decades. Through his grace it has been peaceful and auspicious. This brief record is carefully and truthfully written to recount his graceful blessings. May all who live in this area share his blessings.

Written in Chinese: October 22, 1998
Translated: August 27, 1999
El Cerrito, California

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