光環照臨龍宮曲徑簡繁轉換 - 繁體林鈺堂一九九五年七月十六日敬獻十個寶瓶於大海龍宮。遠由奧勒岡州前來獻瓶之黃善諦女居士攝得此照,恰好有穿林之日光環遶,蔚為奇觀。感而抒之: 白衣偕紅裳, 註:居士亦稱「白衣」,內子著紅裳,小兒名安昌。 一九九五年八月廿八日
Halo on the Trail to the Dragon Palace Halo on the Trail to the Dragon PalaceYutang LinOn July 16, 1995 we offered 10 precious vases to the Dragon King. A Buddhist friend Miss Huang from Oregon joined the offering activity. She took a photo in which the sunlight passing through the trees happen to form a halo on the trail leading down to the Dragon Palace. Inspired by such an auspicious sign, the following poem was composed: White clothing accompanied
by red dress, Note: Lay Buddhists are also referred to as "white clothing" in Chinese. In the photo, my wife was in a red dress. Written in Chinese: August 28, 1995 [Home][Back to list][Halo on the Trail to the Dragon Palace] |