金剛上師林鈺堂瑜伽士開示錄簡繁轉換 - 繁體獻瓶、修火供的意義問:獻瓶、修火供這些和佛法有關嗎? 答:Through vase offerings and fire pujas we helped many people in all kinds of situations. Then they realize that Dharma is not just empty words, and have more faith in Dharma and gradually want to engage in practices. 透過獻瓶及火供我們幫助了各種情況下的許多人,然後他們了解到佛法並非只是空言, 因而對佛法生起更多的信心並漸漸的參預實修。 問:為什麼要獻寶瓶,其意義為何? Offering to Dragon King is to ask him to help us do Dharma activities through
benefiting beings. 二○○五年四月六日開示 [Home][Back to list][Chinese versions Only] |