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養和齋    於加州



Praying for Peace

Yutang Lin


Applying violence will only lead to violent responses, cycles of violences that are difficult to bring to a halt, and ever spreading of suffering and hardships.

Within the whirlwind of violence, speeches, words and arguments are feeble and ineffectual because there is no tranquil mentality for reflection and reasoning.

Residing in such a worldly environment, if one is fortunate enough to stay outside the whirlwind of violence, then one could pray for peace because peace is the sole foundation for the common interests of all.

If all pray for peace, only then could it become possible for more people to realize the importance of peace, and only such awakening could gradually diminish the strength of the whirlwind of violence.


Written in Chinese and translated into English on October 30, 2023

El Cerrito, California



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