充當法器 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體
就密法而言,傳承的加持不在於語言文字的表相,而是在於修行者畢生修持及弘傳的心地中。 每天做佛課,我就把從陳祖師口傳領受的經、咒及手印都複習一過,加上念誦一些讚頌及吟唱咒曲及偈曲,一共要40分鐘。我從開始學習這些咒印的時候就發心要「充當法器」,使得這些法寶留傳在世間;所以,我就每天念誦,以免忘失,以保無誤。 現在年紀大了,就特別體會到不要分心牽惹雜務,以免專注於法務的時間及精神漏失了,而耽誤了法緣的傳佈。 「充當法器」的發心是菩提心的一種。祈願學佛大眾中,能有許多同樣志願的行者!
Yutang Lin
In Buddhist Tantra, the blessing of a Dharma lineage does not lie in the form of speeches and words, but rest in the mind of practitioners who devoted their lives in Dharma practices and propagation. Daily, while doing my regular Dharma practices, I repeat all the sutras, mantras, and mudras that I learned through Patriarch Chen′s oral teachings, and adding repetition of some praises and supplications, and singing a few mantra songs and Gatha songs, it takes about 40 minutes to complete the session. As I started to learn these mantras and mudras, I made the determination to ″serve as a Dharma instrument″ so that these Dharma treasures will remain in the worldly realm; hence, I repeat them daily lest they are forgotten and to make sure that they remain non-mistaken. Now in advanced age, I keenly aware of the need to not be distracted by sidelines lest time and energy to concentrate on Dharma activities will be leaked away and causing delay of spreading of Dharma connections. Aspiring to ″serve as a Dharma instrument″ is a kind of Bodhicitta. May that, among the multitude of Buddhists, there will be many Dharma practitioners with the same aspiration!
Written in Chinese and translated into English on August 31, 2023 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
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