日日好日 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體
禪宗雲門文偃祖師留下「日日是好日」的公案,因此這句話就流傳至今。公案是供參禪,以期開悟的;若加以解說,就成「畫蛇添足」。 「日日是好日」之語既已流傳;一般人乍見,最多只能將之當做祝福的話——世間天災人禍頻傳,眾生苦難危厄叢生;豈有人能將此語當真?本文僅就此語,略抒其可資修行之佛理。 世間的生活是建構於需要、慾望、社會制度及權責之上,而有利害及爭取;再加上人為及超乎人為的種種因緣轉化,所顯現的現象是雜亂無間的。有情面對這種雜亂無間裡的種種情境,固然有自以為好壞的見解,但是要能說定「日日是好日」,確實是難以想象的。 然而,有情的經驗都是不斷流逝,並且無從把捉的。若能一直醒悟這真相,而不為世間的想法及得失所拘束,心中不再執取,並且以「無不包容、普皆隨順」的心態來安詳流轉於人生經驗之無邊浩流中,則得以親見,「日日是好日」並非虛語!
Good Day Each Day Yutang Lin
Chan (Zen) Yun Men master, Patriarch Wen Yan, left a Kong An (Koan) on ″Each day is a good day″. Therefore, this sentence lingered on through generations till this day. Kong An is for a Chan practitioner to ponder on, with the hope that enlightenment might thereby be attained; if it were expounded on, then it would become ″adding feet to a painted snake″. Since the statement ″Each day is a good day″ has been in widespread, upon seeing it, ordinary people could at best take it as a well-wishing expression—natural calamities and human-caused disasters are frequently heard of in this world, and sentient beings are suffering amid bushes of dangers and predicaments, how could anyone take this saying to be true? In this short article the scope will be limited to only this sentence, and I will expound briefly, based on Dharma views, on how it could help Dharma practice. Our worldly lives are built upon needs, desires, social structures, powers and responsibilities, and they resulted in gains and losses and struggles toward acquirement. Furthermore, adding evolutions due to human-caused and beyond-human-caused causal conditions, the resulting phenomena are incessantly in a flux. A sentient being, facing all sorts of situations amid such incessant flux, even though there are self-asserted value judgments, nevertheless, it is hardly imaginable that one could assert for sure that ″Each day is a good day″. Nevertheless, experiences of sentient beings are incessantly flowing away and cannot be grasped. If one could remain awaken to this fact, and not be confined by worldly views and worldly gains and losses, and cease to grasp in mind, and abide in the attitude of ″all-embracing and all-conforming″ to float in acquiescence amid the boundless flow of experiences in life, then one would witness that, ″Each day is a good day″ is not a statement in vain!
Written in Chinese and translated into English on December 19, 2020 [Home][Back to list] |