

簡繁轉換 - 繁體


一、乞地        二、發心              三、加持鈴、杵、鼓    

四、守護        五、加持供品      六、安座並禮讚       七、加持薪及油

八、舉火        九、供本尊          十、謝火神               十一、迴向

十二、補闕    十三、重申本願  十四、結印               十五、繞佛





由依無比法界觀 金薩壇城當下現



如蛇在竹密法行 不昇即墮險難多
唯向金剛薩埵懺 蒙恩還淨得再昇
今有弟子知過犯 誠求淨除尊前跪
乞尊大慈不捨眾 納供施露圓本淨




五智高舉具足還淨力 五大振響清音醒愚迷
空樂雙運慈悲施甘露 淨除眾罪蒙恩得再昇










諸八大護守界神 一切藥叉及眷屬
領納此呈供食子 願瑜伽士及眷屬
無病長壽得自在 功德美譽及善種
勝妙受用咸感得 特於懺淨之事業
祈為助辦賜成就 具誓本願為守護
各種成就祈助辦 非時死與諸違緣

祈消滅諸魔障等 惡夢與彼惡相等
祈免一切凶惡事 世間安樂禾稼豐
五穀盈登法增長 賢善妙樂悉圓滿
祈垂隨欲皆成就 汝等成黑方神者
於甚深祕密儀軌 未得見聞之自在
汝等各自他方去 倘若違越我之命
以熾燃金剛天杖 碎汝頭顱百數分











除世間暗普光燄外座 智火悲壯除魔之內座
喜笑柔克勝成就密座 無不吉祥請住密密座


蓮月座上現朗字 轉成消業白火神
一面二臂右持灶 左提仙壺仙人相
其髮甚多具威嚴 大腹以白梵線飾


世間自在法王依怙子 已得事業灌頂火神王
殊勝智慧燒除彼二障 能助大事尊前恭敬禮



密法懺主雙運救脫座 慈悲垂援無一暫捨座
四喜四空施露還淨座 尊本常住本淨無咎座


千日明亮秋月清涼身 父母雙運慈悲降甘露
眾生罪障一遇悉流失 省悟弟子悉歸仰禮懺


清淨小乘基地上頂禮 玄門大乘不思議讚嘆
空樂雙運救脫以隨喜 離作禪悅通達真懺悔
請轉調伏過犯大法輪 長住不垢不淨真如界


本淨光明中 清涼潤澤施
順緣現單雙 淨罪垢務盡
智悲圓融際 妙喜行救渡
憫眾生罪苦 令早歸本淨


罪惡滿佈世間 宿業私執纏縛 眾生苦無歇
解脫覺道雖值 出離實修難行 佛子滯泥淖
大慈大悲大力 果位方便奇妙 甘露淨俗垢
懺主金剛薩埵 智悲交融滋潤 佛子復本淨


往昔所造諸惡業 皆由無始貪嗔癡
從身語意之所生 一切我今皆懺悔
尤其修密不順師 妄執己意夾俗見
出離未徹心尚雜 願蒙淨除還本淨





即罪苦薪能生智慧火 供已聖凡同享大淨樂
妙油能生白淨般若火 供已燒盡六道諸罪障



般若般若 麻哈般若 般若般若 經常般若
般若般若 覺觀般若 般若般若 寂靜般若





世間自在依怙法王子 已得事業灌頂火神王
殊勝智慧消除諸罪障 能持火神尊前恭敬禮


本阿闍黎及眷屬 心住菩提行事業
于中能作障礙者 及諸罪業與魔障




如金剛座蔭佛菩提枝 供已顯證金薩之智悲


一切罪業邪見為之主 供此願消盡眾生我執


俗見犯行以執更猖狂 供此調心重修順法行


末世福薄二種資糧缺 供此願眾具足悲智德


諸法白淨具禪悅 供已願眾歸本淨
甘甜妙味無雜染 感得法露潤大千


真摯一心獻佛法 上承大慈菩提灌
下施大悲弘法雨 恆毅志節利自他


禪門妙樂是誰得其髓 密法四喜誰到究竟地
外形內意雙運契理供 願具証德圓滿融二諦


眾生百病苦難挨 群醫束手藥方無
唯賴金薩滅罪力 業障潛消早回春


教化無價勝彼世間金 供此願得菩提如純金


純淨白綢報身天衣供 願速具足罪淨證全功


如彼半開及時之妙花 供已圓滿智悲雙運法


悲願利他化身果 清淨圓滿報身果
無依光明法身果 此三無分體性果
大樂智慧虹身果 願賜加持速證果



早斷諸疑 令生歡喜 早與一切 佛母同事
早增諸行 果滿大願 早以慈力 摧伏魔軍
早隨勝解 出生神變 早從本智 出生十力
早以方便 轉妙法輪 早以妙言 淨諸世間
早以法光 照耀法界 早就群機 示佛依正


寂靜八苦平等功德水 寂靜貪著本具童瓶花
寂靜戒犯唯一任運香 寂靜無明光照四方燈
寂靜五毒無取捨塗香 寂靜貧乏無增減食子
寂靜八風無戲論音樂 供已罪淨心明得大樂



光明閃耀暖熱感 香煙飄傳鴻圖展
金薩甘露潤大千 火神恩德遍法界






密宗行人冒濫所生罪 違反菩薩戒律一切罪
違反密宗蒙母根本罪 乞求金薩父母悉滌除 












           養和齋   於加州




          養和齋    於加州




Homa Ritual Honoring Vajrasattva

Composed in Chinese and Translated into English by Yutang Lin



1.   Getting Permission from the Goddess of the Earth


       Visualize the Goddess of the Earth with a yellow body as suddenly appearing from the earth and accepting the blessing of the Master who is no different from the Yidam, Vajrasattva. After she offers her approbation, she disappears.    The Master wields the Vajra toward the center of the borrowed place where the fire altar is situated to create there a Vajra-cross foundation. Repeat the incantation of Vajrasattva and the following half-stanza:

Abiding in the limitless oneness of Dharmadhatu,

The Mandala of Vajrasattva appears within.


2.   Generating Bodhicitta



As snake inside bamboo is the Tantric practice,

Moving upward or downfall, much dangers await!

Only through confession before Vajrasattva, then

By His grace resume purity and can rise up again!

Now some disciples realized their transgressions,

Kneeling to Your Holiness to beseech purification,

May Your Great Compassion leaves no one behind,

Accept this offering, and grant nectars to purify us!



3.   Blessing the Bell, Vajra and Drum


       (a)  Visualization:

       Visualize that Father and Mother Steadfast Buddha become lights that go into the Vajra and Bell, respectively. Visualize the moon on the right palm and the sun on the left one. With the right hand holding the Vajra and the left one holding the Bell, recite: "Ma Ha, Ban Zha, Hong" and "Ban Zha, Ga Za, A." (All incantations are written in Pin Yin, in accordance with Guru Chen's pronunciation.) Use the Vajra to touch the heart chakra three times, simultaneously ring the Bell three times.


       (b)  Stanza:

The Five Wisdoms may purify all transgressions,

The Five Elements produce pure awakening sounds.

The Ewam of pleasure and Sunyata yields nectars,

Purifying all sins and grant resurrection by this grace!


       (c)   Incantation of Blessing the Bell and Vajra:

Weng, Sha Wa Da Ta Ga Da, Xi Di Ban Zha, San Ma Ya, Di Cha, Ei Qia Si Dang, Da La Ya Mi, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hei Hei Hei Hei Hei, Hong Hong Hong Pei, Suo Ha.


       (d)  Incantation of Requesting the Blessing of All Buddhas:

       Then, while reciting the incantation of Requesting the Blessing of All Buddhas, use the Vajra to touch the heart chakra to awake all the Buddhas that are in one's own Buddha-nature and with the opening of the Bell facing the top of the Master's head, turn the Bell around three times counter-clockwise, then three times clockwise, thus all Buddhas in the ten directions are requested to give blessing.

Weng, Ban Zha, Geng Zha La Li Da, Zhua La Li Da, Shuang Zhua La Li Da, Sha Wa Bu Da Ken Zha, Zhua Zha Li Lei, Zhua Zha Ba Li Mi, Geng Zha Da Na Ya, Shuang Ha Bi Da, Ban Zha Da Ma Xi Da Ya, Sha Wa Qia Li, Hong Hong Hong, Ho Ho Ho, A Kang Suo Ha.


4.   Protection


       Two pieces of food, prepared in advance, are offered. One is white in color for vegetarian Gods and the other is red for carnivorous Gods.


       (a)  The Incantation to offer food to the Protectors:

Weng, Ka Ka, Ka Xi, Ka Xi.


       (b)  Prayer Stanza to the Protectors:

All the eight departments of protectors,

And all the Yaksas and your family,

Please take all this blessed and delicious food.

Protect all the Yogis and their families.

Let all of them be free and have long life!

Gather all merits and sow all best seeds!

And may you inspire all special enjoyments!

Especially help this purification fire sacrifice,

And let me get all the accomplishments!

Please remember all your excellent vows,

Help me to gain all the attainments.

Get rid of all bad conditions and death,

Destroy all my obstacles and demons.

Pacify all terrible dreams and bad omens.

Protect us from all dangerous risks.

Help to make peace and rich harvests for all,

May plenty of all kinds of corn and Dharma,

And all good pleasures be helped by you!

Do help me to fulfill all my best wishes!

Those who have been divined to darkness

And cannot understand all the Tantras,

Not able to hear and see this secrecy,

Please leave here and go to the places where you belong.

If you don't take my advice right now,

I shall use the powerful and fiery Vajra

To destroy your head into many pieces!


       The Karma Vajra throws the two pieces of food in two different directions.


       (c)   Repeat the Four-Hong Incantation while throwing the mustard seeds:

       Repeat the Four-Hong Incantation to send the black deities away.

Weng, Song Ba Li, Song Ba Li, Hong Hong Pei!

Weng, Ge Li Ha Na, Ge Li Ha Na, Hong Hong Pei!

Weng, Ge Li Ha Na Ba Ya, Ge Li Ha Na Ba Ya, Hong Hong Pei!

Weng, A Na Ya Ho, Ba Ga Wen, Bi Ya Lan Zha, Hong Hong Pei!


       Then the Master visualizes the Vajra Net that covers all ten directions and is formed with the Vajra Net Mudra. Thus, from the beginning of the Homa performance until its end, the altar and the Master and his family and followers are protected.


5.   Blessing the Offerings


       The Master holds the Vajra dippers together, repeats the incantation given below and visualizes much nectar falling down from Father and Mother Yidam upon all the offerings. Thus, all worldly offerings become Vajra Nectar of boundless supply.

Weng, Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!


6.   Arranging the Seat of the God of Fire and that of the Yidam


       Place auspicious grasses around the fire altar. Then arrange seats for the God of Fire and the Yidam.


      A.  Praising and Welcoming the White God of Fire


       (a)  Praise:

Shine upon the dark becoming the bright.

Drive away the demons with big fire!

Your kind smile sends away the sorrows.

Please sit on this good seat and admire!


       (b)  Visualize the White God of Fire:

"Lang" appears on the moon that is on a lotus.

From this "Lang" arises the white God of Fire!

He has one face and two arms.

The right hand holds the stove.

The left hand holds a fairy bottle.

His hair is very long; his belly big.

He has a white Brahmin thread around his belly!


       (c)   Welcome the Fire God:

       The Master raises a bunch of auspicious grass up to the sky to welcome the Wisdom God of Fire and repeats the following incantation:

Zha Ge Hong Zha

       (d)  Praise:

You are the victorious Prince of Dharma.

You have got the initiation of good Karma!

Your wisdom fire can get rid of obstacles!

I, now, beg you to help this Homa!


      B.  Arranging the Auspicious Seat for the Yidam


       (a)  Arrange the seat for Vajrasattva with the following stanza:

Master of Confession in Vajrayana, salvation through Vajra Love, the outer seat;

Compassionate salvation to sinful beings, no one left behind, the inner seat;

Union of pleasure and Sunyata, granting nectars to purify sins, the secret seat;

Abiding constantly in Original Purity, free from all faults, the most secret seat!


       (b)  Visualization of Vajrasattva:

Bright as thousand suns, cool as autumn moon, Your rainbow body,

Father and Mother in Union, compassionately grant nectars flowing,

As sinful beings bathed in this shower, all sins and hindrances washed away,

Disciples, realizing their transgressions, all prostrate to you in repentance!


       (c)   The Seven-branch Prayer:

We prostrate on the foundation of Hinayana Purity,

We praise through the inconceivable mystic gates of Mahayana,

We take delight in the salvation through unity of pleasure and Sunyata,

We repent by staying in the Chan-joy, free from pretensions.

We plead with you to turn the Great Dharma Wheel to remedy transgressions.

We beg you to stay in the Tathata realm of non-impurity and non-purity,

We are grateful for your tirelessly purifying salvation of all Samsara beings!


       (d)  Repeat the Praise to Vajrasattva:

Amid brilliant light of Original Purity,

Cooling nectars showering down,

Appearing as single or dual, as suitable,

Purifying sinful stains till all gone!

Upon unification of Wisdom and Compassion,

Wondrous joy carries out salvation,

Pitiful of sinful beings′ suffering,

Enabling them to resume Original Purity soon!


       (e)   Repeat the Supplication to Vajrasattva:

Sins fulfill the worldly realms, past karmas and personal grasping tangle,

Sentient beings′ suffering has neither ending nor break!

Even though awakening path entered, actual renunciation for Dharma practice difficult,

Buddhas′ daughters and sons are trapped in muddy swamps!

Great Wisdom, Compassion and Power, means of Consequence Position wondrous,

Vajra nectars can purify all worldly stains!

Vajrasattva, Master of Confession, union of Wisdom and Compassion grants initiation

Daughters and sons of Buddha resume Original Purity!


(f)   Repentance:

All sinful karmas committed in the past are,

Rooted in greed, anger and ignorance since beginning-less time,

They were committed through body, speech or mind,

Now I confess and repent all such transgressions!

Especially sins of practicing Vajrayana yet not obeying Guru,

Vainly grasping to personal opinions mingled with worldly views,

Not renouncing worldly matters fully and mind is still complicated,

May all these faults be showered away to resume Original Purity!


(g)  Supplication to Vajrasattva for Blessing (the Stanza is composed by Patriarch Chen based on the significance of the Hundred-syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva):

Homage to the Secret Vows of the Great Vajrasattva,

Instantly let the purity of original essence appear,

At the Buddhahood of Great Vajra Mind,

Let me abide steadily at ease,

Let true nature be apparent to me,

Let utmost superior joy be mine,

Let great openness of true nature appear to me,

Let me follow directly the nature of greed,

Let all accomplishments be attained by me,

Let all salvation activities be accomplished by me,

Let my mind be full of Great Courage,

Let me apply Great Functions of the Five Wisdoms,

All Tathagata, the Great Well-Gone ones,

May the Vajra Nature not leave me behind!

Let me abide in true nature of Vajra,

Possessing great secret vows and great courage in mind,

In the totality of oneness, neither born nor dead, "A"!

Arises the great wisdom of pleasure and sunyata in unity, "Hong"!

Pacifying all devils and enemies of Dharma, "Pei"!


7.   Blessing the Wood and Oil



With the sinful-deeds-like firewood,

Start up the wisdom fire.

After offering them,

All the Sages, beings, do have the Pleasure!

The pure and clean butter helps the wisdom fire,

May all sinful activities and hindrances in the six realms be burned out!


8.   Starting the Fire


       (a)  Start the fire:

       With the fire mudra turn around clockwise thrice on top of the fire altar while repeating, "Lang Lang Lang."

       Use a fan with the Tibetan syllable "Yang" to fan the fire thrice while repeating, "Yang, Yang, Yang." Then repeat:

Wisdom Wisdom Great Wisdom!

Wisdom Wisdom Constant Wisdom!

Wisdom Wisdom Samadhi Wisdom!

Wisdom Wisdom Tranquility Wisdom!


       (b)  Offering to the God of Fire:


Weng, A Na Ye, Sha Ba Li Wa La, Ka Ka, Ka Xi, Ka Xi.


You are the sovereign Prince of Dharma.

You have been blessed as King of Karma!

With special wisdom burn up sins and hindrances,

Help us to fulfill the good wishes through Homa!


       (c)   Prayer to the God of Fire:


I, the Acarya, and all the followers

Do have learned Dharma and done good Karma.

Any kind of obstacles and sins before the Homa is done

Please send away from this Mandala!

Weng, A Na Ye, Sha Ba Li Wa La, Weng, Sha Wa Ba Bang, Xin Deng Gu Lu Ye, Suo Ha.


9.   Offering to Vajrasattva


       (a)  Offer Bodhi-branches:


Like the Bodhi-tree that shades Buddha on the Vajra Seat,

This offering will yield the attainment of Vajrasattva!

       Incantation (repeat thrice):

Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, Po Ti Zhi Qia Ye, Suo Ha.


       (b)  Offer black sesame:


The master of all sins is the perverse view,

May this offering eradicate all grasping to self!

       Incantation (repeat thrice):

Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, Sha Wa Ba Bang, Xin Deng Gu Lu Ye, Suo Ha.


       (c)   Offer mustard seeds:


Perverse views and crimes are enhanced by grasping,

May this offering pacify the mind to follow the Dharma!


Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, Sha Wa, A Qia, Xi Da Ye, Suo Ha.


(d)  Offer five kinds of grain:


People of this Kali Age lack the stocks of merits and wisdom.

May this offering bring abundance of Wisdom and Compassion!


Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, Sha Wa, Sang Ba Dou, Suo Ha.


       (e)   Offer three whites and three sweets:


All things white and pure contain the joy of Chan;

After offering these may all beings resume Original Purity!

Wondrous flavor of pleasant sweetness, free from impurities,

Would inspire Dharma nectar to imbue the countless worlds!


Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, Sha Wa, Sang Ba Dou, Suo Ha.


       (f)   Offer one coconut:


Sincerely and whole-heartedly dedicate oneself to the Dharma,

Receiving from above the merciful initiations of Bodhicitta,

Pouring to suffering beings below the compassionate rain of teachings,

Benefiting all through constant and enduring aspirations and activities.


Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, Ban Zha, Po Ti Qi Da, Suo Ha.


       (g)  Offer walnuts:


Wondrous joy of Chan, who attained its marrows?

Four joys of Tantric practice, who arrived at the ultimate sphere?

Matching outer form and inner sense through this concord offering,

May we obtain realization that completely harmonizes the two truths!


Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, Ban Zha, Ke Ba Ya, Suo Ha.


       (h)  Offer herbs for the five chakras:


Hundreds of illness as suffered by beings are indeed hard to bear.

All physicians have no treatments and effective prescriptions unavailable.

Relying solely on the purification-of-sinful-stains power of Vajrasattva,

Karmic hindrances dispersed invisibly so that recovery will arrive sooner!


Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, Sha Wa Ba Bang, Xin Deng Gu Lu Ye, Suo Ha.


(i)   Offer gold foil:


Priceless teachings are superior to worldly gold and wealth.

May this offer yield Bodhi fruits as genuine as pure gold!


Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, Ban Zha Po Ti Ye, Suo Ha.


       (j)   Offer white silk, needles and threads:


Pure white silk heavenly robe of Sambhogakaya is offered,

May sins soon be purified, and full enlightenment attained!


Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, A, Hong.


       (k)  Offer white flowers:


Soon after this offering of half-open beautiful flowers,

May we accomplish the unity of Wisdom and Compassion!


Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, Bu Bei, Suo Ha.


       (l)   Offer fresh fruits:


Compassionate aspirations to benefit others is the fruit of Nirmanakaya.

Completion of merits and wisdom is the fruit of Sambhogakaya.

Dependence-free light of Original Purity is the fruit of Dharmakaya.

The above three indistinguishable is the fruit of Sahajakaya.

Wisdom rainbow-body born of great pleasure is the fruit of Mahasukhakaya.

Soon fulfill wisdom and compassion to attain perfect fruit of Buddhahood!


Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, Ban Zha, Ke Ba Ya, Suo Ha.


       (m) Offer dates:

       Ten Soon Stanza:

Soon break all doubts and be happy!

Soon meet all dakinis and work together!

Soon increase all practices and obtain fulfillment!

Soon apply mercy to all and conquer devils!

Soon grasp supreme teachings and produce miracles!

Soon attain original Wisdom and have the Ten Powers!

Soon turn the wondrous Wheel of Dharma by all means!

Soon purify the worldly beings by wonderful speeches!

Soon illuminate the Dharmadhatu with the light of Dharma!

Soon reveal the Buddha realm to all sentient beings!


Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, Ban Zha Ke Ba Ya, Suo Ha.


       (n)  Offer the eight offerings:


With water of merits and equality to pacify eight kinds of suffering,

With innate virgin-vase flowers to pacify greed and attachment,

With the aimless incense of oneness to pacify violation of silas,

With the lamp that shines in all directions to pacify the darkness of ignorance,

With the perfume of non-preference to pacify the five poisons,

With the food of neither increasing nor decreasing to pacify poverty,

With the music of no playful-talks to pacify the eight worldly winds,

After offering all these, sins are purified, and mind is clear to enjoy great pleasure!


Weng, Ban Zha Sa Duo, Hong, A, Weng, A Gang, Ba Dang, Bu Bei, Du Bei, A Nu Gei, Gen Deng, Nu Wei Dou, Xia Da, Zhua Di Zha Ye, Suo Ha.


10. Giving thanks to the God of Fire



Brightness shines, warmth and heat felt.

As incense smokes float and spread so are the grand Dharma activities.

Nectars from Vajrasattva moisten the whole universe,

While the grace of the God of Fire extends throughout the Dharmadhatu.


Weng, A Na Ye, Sha Ba Li Wa La, Ka Ka, Ka Xi, Ka Xi, Weng A Hong.


11. Dedication of Merits


(a)  Special Repentance:


The sins of Vajrayana practitioners who are pretentious,

All transgressions violating the Silas of Bodhisattva,

All misdeeds violating the Fourteen Basic Silas of Vajrayana,

May Vajrasattva Father and Mother flush away all such sins!


       (b)  Bodhi Deed and Wish:


Weng: Gathering all sinful hindrances of all being in any time and space

Ban: With Bodhicitta to embrace all such sins into the practitioner′s body

Zha: Cleansed by Grace of Vajrasattva′s nectars of Wisdom and Compassion

Sa: Whole Dharmadhatu thereby transformed into brilliant Buddha Pureland

Duo: May all who develops faith in this Vajrayana practice when encountered

Hong: Will be able to rely on it, without ever regress, until rainbow body attained!


12. Amendment


       Repeat thrice the Hundred-syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva.


13. Repeat Original Vows


       Recite the practitioner's Bodhi Vows to pray for continuous and never-ending progress of Dharma activities.


14. Mudra


       Hold Vajrasattva Mudra while reciting his mantra.


15. Circumambulation


       Circumambulate clockwise the Homa platform thrice as gesture of reverence, and then bow thrice to Vajrasattva in reverence to express gratitude.



Auspicious Completion



January 11, 2020

El Cerrito, California




This morning at 6 o′clock I saw in a dream, my landlord′s wife and daughter installed a washer in my apartment, and the daughter used cloth and sprayed water to clean the washer top; upon seeing this, I said in my mind, capable of washing away sentient beings′ worldly dirt.

This is the inspiration which arrived right after I had reverently composed this ritual and some disciple had asked for the performance of this ritual by sponsoring it; hence, I recorded it here.

January 13, 2020
El Cerrito, California

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