念傳承恩  林鈺堂       簡繁轉換 - 繁體



人身非永存 法脈何以續
世間忙溫飽 誰肯棄營謀
慈悲護苦眾 傳法渡有緣
而今得值佛 當體祖師心



養和齋     於加州



Gratitude to Lineage Grace

Yutang Lin


Human bodies last not forever;
How could Dharma lineage linger?

People are all busy for living better;
Who would renounce such endeavor?

Protecting suffering beings out of compassion;
Propagating Dharma to recipients ready and willing.

Now we have the good fortune to learn Dharma,
Appreciation of patriarchs′ kindness is due to ensue.


Written in Chinese and translated into English on December 15, 2019
El Cerrito, California

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