觀音讚對聯   林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體


千處祈求千處應 苦海常做渡人舟

百回呼救百回允 迷途屢充指路燈



                   養和齋    於加州



                     養和齋    於加州


Couplet in Praise of Guan Yin

Yutang Lin


Thousand places praying got responses in all thousand places
Constantly serving as life-saver boat in the ocean of suffering

Hundred times calling for help got consents all hundred times
Repeatedly serving as path-finding lamp on disoriented routes



The last part of the traditional "Praise to Guan Yin" (as translated into the first two lines above) is most popular among Oriental Buddhists, and yet it leans toward the universal response of Guan Yin to prayers in space. Hence, I added a praise to Guan Yin's untiring efforts in time so as to illustrate the Bodhisattva's boundless compassion.


Written in Chinese and translated on November 4, 2014
El Cerrito, California




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