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弟子 林鈺堂敬述






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Dharmadhatu Visualization in Practices


Guru Chen's Teachings
Reverently recorded by disciple Yutang Lin


Visualize that all things return to Blank Essence and reveal boundless blue light everywhere. In this blue luminance the four holy realms and six worldly realms of the whole Dharmadhatu appear.

In the space above, in front of the practitioner, all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Pratyeka-Buddhas and Dharma Protectors appear. The Yidam of the practitioner appears at the center of all holy beings, and is surrounded by his retinue. They are surrounded by all other holy beings. With compassion all holy beings look attentively at all beings in the six worldly realms below.

Father and mother of the practitioner are by his right and left side respectively. Before him are all beings connected to him through past karmas, be it friends or foes, relatives or associates. Behind him are all beings in the six worldly realms, and they are in the order of the degree of needing help, and hence hell-beings first, followed by hungry ghosts, animals, humans, Asuras and heavenly beings. All these beings face the same direction as the practitioner.

At the beginning of a Dharma practice do the above visualization to enhance one's Bodhicitta and boundless great mind encompassing the whole Dharmadhatu.

During one's Dharma practice believe firmly that all beings in the six worldly realms are simultaneously doing the same practice with the practitioner.

At the end of a Dharma practice do the above visualization once more so as to dedicate merits toward the sooner attainment of full enlightenment of all sentient beings. And then one may pray for Buddhas' blessing and help to individual cases of suffering that one knows of at the moment.


Upon request from disciple Mi En
Written in Chinese on August 30, 2014
Translated into English on August 31, 2014
El Cerrito, California