簡繁轉換 - 繁體
A Small Collection of Buddhist Gathas
Chinese originals selected by Upasaka Chou
Translated by Yutang Lin
1. 白髮蒼蒼似銀條,老樹無根怕風搖;家有黃金貯百斗,難買菩提路一條。 --古德
White hairs all over head, like silver strings;
Old tree without roots is fearful of shaking by winds.
With hundred bushels of gold stored at home,
Still could hardly purchase a path toward Bodhi.
——Ancient Sage
2. 無戒欲求生善道,如鷹無翼欲飛空;如人無足欲遠行,亦如渡海無船筏。 --古德
Seeking rebirth in better realms without observation of silas,
Is like an eagle without wings wishing to fly in the sky,
Like a human without feet wishing to visit far away places,
And also like without raft nor boat to travel across oceans.
——Ancient Sage
3. 若人靜坐須臾頃,勝造恆沙七寶塔;寶塔畢竟化為塵,一念靜心成正覺。 --古德
It is better for one to sit in meditation for just a short while,
Than to build seven-gem pagodas as many as sands of Ganges.
Gem pagodas eventually will all turn to dusts,
And yet one-minded tranquility leads to right awakening.
——Ancient Sage
4. 罪業本空由心造,心若滅時罪亦亡;心亡罪滅兩俱空,是則名為真懺悔。 --古德
Sinful karmas, originally pure, are created by mind;
As mind extinguishes, sins also perish.
Mind deceased and sins perished, both vacuous;
That is named as "genuine repentance."
——Ancient Sage
5. 佛在世時我沉淪,佛滅度後我出生;懺悔此身多業障,不見如來金色身。 --古德
While Buddha was in this world I sank in transmigration;
After Buddha attained Nirvana I was born.
I repent that this body is so full of karmic hindrances,
That I cannot see the golden-color body of Tathagata.
——Ancient Sage
6. 向前三步想一想,退後三步思一思;瞋心起時要思量,熄下怒火最吉祥。 --古德
Consider what could happen in three steps ahead, and
Ponder the situation after yielded three steps backward.
As anger arises one should check it with evaluations;
Most auspicious is to extinguish the fire of wrath.
——Ancient Sage
7. 從來共住不知名,任運相將只麼行;自古上賢猶不識,造次凡流豈可明? --唐.石頭希遷
Ever lived together without knowing the name,
Mutually accommodating as life goes on, it simply works like this.
Since ancient time the most capable ones still could not figure it out;
How can superfluous ordinary folks comprehend it?
——Shi Tou, Xi Qian, of Tang Dynasty
8. 已落雙鵰血尚新,鳴鞭走馬又翻身;憑君莫射南來雁,恐有家書寄遠人。 --唐.杜牧
Blood on the pair of fallen eagles is still fresh,
Whip aloud to run the horse and again turn the body around;
Depending on you not to shoot wild geese from the south,
Just worry that they might carry messages from home for distant folks.
——Du Mu of Tang Dynasty
9. 終日尋春不見春,芒鞋踏破嶺頭雲;歸來偶把梅花嗅,春在枝頭已十分。 --唐.無盡藏
Seeking spring all day but failed to see spring,
Straw shoes stepped broke clouds over the mountain top;
Upon returning home incidentally smelled the plum blossom,
Spring is already fully present at the tips of branches.
——Wu Jin Zang of Tang Dynasty
10. 光明寂照遍河沙,凡聖含靈共我家;一念不生全體現,六根才動雲遮天。 --唐.張拙
Luminosity silently shines over all sentient beings as many as sands of the river Ganges,
Worldlings as well as saints, all with consciousness take part in constituting my family;
In the absence of any thought the totality reveals itself,
As soon as the six roots started to act, it is like clouds covering the whole sky.
——Zhang Zhuo of Tang Dynasty
Note: "six roots" refers to eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.
11. 特入空門問苦空,敢將禪事問禪翁,為當夢是浮生事?為復浮生是夢中? --唐.白居易
Intently entered the Gate of Blank to inquire about suffering and blank,
Taking liberty to ask a Chan master about matters of Chan,
Should dreams be regarded as matters of this transient life,
Or this transient life is but continuing events in a dream?
——Bai Ju Yi of Tang Dynasty
12. 憶著當年未悟時,一聲號角一聲悲;如今枕上無閒夢,大小梅花一樣香。 --唐.孚上座
Remember that during those yeas before comprehension,
Each cry of military horn caused a sigh of sadness;
Now on the pillow there are no more dreams of leisure,
Plum blossoms large or small are all of the same fragrance.
——Senior Fu of Tang Dynasty
13. 來時無跡去無蹤,去與來時事一同;何須更問浮生事,只此浮生是夢中。 --唐.鳥窠
Came with no signs and left without traces,
When leaving or coming it is the same matter;
Why need to inquire further about matters of this transient life?
It is simply that this evanescent life is nothing but a dream!
——Chan Master Bird-nest of Tang Dynasty
14. 生天本自生天業,未必求仙便得仙;鶴背傾危龍背滑,君王自古無百年。 --唐.知玄
Born into heavenly realms originated from congruent karmas,
Seeking to become a deity will not necessarily thus achieve;
Crane back curved and dangerous while dragon back slippery,
Since ancient time emperors and kings never lasted for hundred years.
——Zhi Xuan of Tang Dynasty
15. 四大由來造化功,有聲全貴裡頭空;莫嫌不與凡夫說,只為宮商調不同。 --唐.趙州從諗
The four great elements are ever the creation of nature,
Sounding devices depend completely on their hollow interior;
Don't blame me for not revealing it to the worldlings,
It is only because the pitches of tones are incongruent.
——Zhao Zhou, Cong Shen, of Tang Dynasty
16. 不求名利不求榮,只麼隨緣度此生;一個幻軀能幾時,為他閒事長無明。 --唐.洞山良价
Neither seeking fame and profits nor seeking prosperity,
Simply living this life according to circumstances;
How long can one illusive body last?
Preoccupied with its trifles one ever remains ignorant.
——Dong Shan, Liang Jie, of Tang Dynasty
17. 心如大海無邊際,廣植淨蓮養身心;自有一雙無事手,為作世間慈悲人。 --唐.黃檗
Mind like a great ocean without boundaries,
Expansively plant lotuses of purity to cultivate body and mind;
Naturally there will be a pair of hands free from worldly matters,
Simply to serve as a compassionate person in the worldly realms.
——Huang Bo of Tang Dynasty
18. 若逢知己宜依分,縱遇冤家也共和;寬卻肚皮須忍辱,豁開心地任從他。 --唐.布袋
If one encounters a congruent person, better to associate according to norms;
Even if the person encountered is a karmic creditor, one should get along in harmony.
To expand one's belly it is necessary to practice tolerance and patience,
And abruptly open up one's field of mind to let others do as they wish.
——Bu Dai (Cloth Bag) of Tang Dynasty
19. 趨利求名空自忙,利名二字陷人坑;急須返照娘生面,一片靈心是覺皇。 --唐.布袋
Chasing after fame and profits one busies oneself in vain;
"Profit" and "fame" are two words that ensnarl people into pits.
Hurriedly one should reflect on one's original face,
Mind that is free and sensitive is the emperor of awakening.
——Bu Dai (Cloth Bag) of Tang Dynasty
20. 只個心心心是佛,千方世界最靈物;縱橫妙用萬境生,一切不如心真實。 --唐.布袋
Simply this mind that functions itself is the Buddha,
Most sensitive thing in all kinds of myriad universes;
Its wondrous uses in all directions created all situations,
Everything else is not as genuine as the mind.
——Bu Dai (Cloth Bag) of Tang Dynasty
21. 一住寒山萬事休,更無雜念掛心頭;閒書石壁題詩句,任運還同不繫舟。 --唐.寒山
Once lived on Cold Mount all matters were put to rest;
No more scattered thoughts hovering in mind.
In leisure writing poems on rock faces;
Floating in life like a boat without ties.
——Han Shan (Cold Mount) of Tang Dynasty
22. 千年石上古人蹤,萬丈岩前一點空;明月照時常皎潔,不勞尋討問西東。 --唐.寒山
Traces of ancients found on rocks of thousand years;
In front of myriad-yard cliff there is a tiny clear spot.
While bright moon shines it remains brilliant,
No need to seek for it and ask around.
——Han Shan (Cold Mount) of Tang Dynasty
23. 趙州八十猶行腳,只為心頭未悄然;及至歸來無一事,始知空費草鞋錢。 --宋.張無盡
Zhao Zhou at eighty still walked around to seek enlightenment;
It was only due to the fact that his mind was not tranquil yet.
Until he returned to his residence and all matters ceased,
Only then he knew that money for straw shoes was wasted in vain.
——Zhang Wu Jin of Song Dynasty
24. 門前自有千江月,室內卻無一點塵;貝葉若圖遮得眼,須知淨地亦迷人。 --宋.成枯木
In front of the door there is moon that reflects in thousand rivers;
And yet inside the room there is not even a speck of dust found.
If pages of Sutras were intended to cover successfully one's eyes,
One should realize that pure abode is also delusive.
——Cheng Ku Mu of Song Dynasty
25. 學道容易悟道難,不下功夫總是閒;能信不行空費力,空談論說也徒然。 --明.憨山德清
Learning Dharma is easy and yet comprehending the truth difficult;
Without making efforts in practices one will always stay useless.
Capable of having faith and yet taking no steps waste all endeavors;
Expositions and talks that remain ineffectual are simply deeds in vain.
——Han Shan, De Qing, of Ming Dynasty
26. 月色松聲總見聞,禪心妄想聖凡分;消歸一念無生處,此意如何把似君? --明.憨山德清
Moonlight and pine roars are always seen and heard;
Mind in Chan and delusions distinguish saints and worldlings.
All evaporated to where there is not even one idea arising,
How could this notion be described for you?
——Han Shan, De Qing, of Ming Dynasty
27. 念佛容易信心難,心口不一總是閒;口念彌陀心散亂,喊破喉嚨也徒然。 --明.憨山德清
Easy to repeat "Amitabha" but difficult to sustain faith;
Mind and speech not in accord is always useless.
While "Amitabha" runs in the mouth mind is scattered;
Even crying out the epithet till voice broke is in vain.
——Han Shan, De Qing, of Ming Dynasty
28. 是非不必爭人我,彼此何須論短長;世事由來多缺陷,學道求真免無常。 --明.憨山德清
Right or wrong, no need to argue who's to blame;
You and I, why should we compare who is better?
Worldly matters are ever full of defects and shortcomings;
Learning Dharma to seek reality so as to avoid impermanence.
——Han Shan, De Qing, of Ming Dynasty
29. 染塵容易出塵難,不斷塵勞總是閒;情性攀緣空費力,不成道果也徒然。 --明.憨山德清
Easy to become polluted but difficult to rise above pollutants;
Without cutting off worldly matters it is always useless.
Entangling in affairs as driven by emotions and propensities,
Such useless endeavors will not yield fruits of enlightenment.
——Han Shan, De Qing, of Ming Dynasty
30. 休得爭強來鬥勝,百千渾是戲文場;頃刻一聲鑼鼓歇,不知何處是家鄉。 --明.憨山德清
Do not fight over victory to proof superiority;
All affairs are simply scenes of drama in theater.
All of a sudden the closing gongs and drums cease;
One would not know where one's home land is.
——Han Shan, De Qing, of Ming Dynasty
31. 少小離鄉不記家,回思往事總堪嗟;故人猶想兒時面,枯木難開舊日花。 --明.憨山德清
Left homeland at early youth, no longer reminiscent of home;
Recollecting past events it is always capable of making one sigh.
Still thinking about old acquaintances in childhood countenances;
Withered wood can hardly yield blossom of olden days.
——Han Shan, De Qing, of Ming Dynasty
32. 孤峰千仞立江心,八面洪濤愁殺人;奈是根深自堅固,幾回經古又逢今。 --明.蓮池
A thousand-yard cliff stood alone in the middle of a river;
Raging waves rushing from all sides are so terrifying.
Nevertheless, due to its profound rooting, it is by nature solid;
Since ancient time it has encountered such scenes quite often.
——Lian Chi (Lotus Pond) of Ming Dynasty
33. 一寸光陰一寸金,勸君念佛早回心;直饒鳳閣龍樓貴,難免雞皮鶴髮侵。 --明.楚石梵琦
One instant of time is as precious as one bar of gold;
Please recite "Amitabha" soon to divert your attentions.
Even though king's palace and queen's court are noble,
Still cannot avoid invasions of white hairs and wrinkly skin.
——Chu Shi, Fan Qi, of Ming Dynasty
34. 返本還源便到家,亦無玄妙可稱誇;湛然一片真如性,迷失皆因一念差。 --明.浮峰普恩
Just return to the original source and that will be home;
There is nothing mysterious to boast about in all this.
Clearly in one whole piece is the nature of Tathata;
Delusions are all due to one thought going astray.
——Fu Feng, Pu En, of Ming Dynasty
35. 萬里修書只為牆,讓他三尺有何妨?長城萬里今猶在,不見當年秦始皇。 --明.林瀚
Sending a letter over thousand miles only about a wall;
What would it matter to yield three feet to the neighbor?
The Thousand-mile Long Wall is still in existence today;
But the Founding Emperor of Qin Dynasty is invisible.
——Lin Han of Ming Dynasty