轉己為眾 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體
一般而言 個人思慮大多及己為己 佛法修行者 亦難改此習性
每念及自身 可將「自己」之念 轉為指「一切眾生」 則心不復狹隘自照 而成無限開廣 原先之小苦小難 便為時時刻刻無處不缺之大苦大難所取代 令人驚醒 何以心眼原先如此迷著小處 而忽略忘失大局
若能時時如此轉念 以眾生為己 念己即思及眾生 慈悲智慧自然念念增長 開悟證覺 進而渡生無盡 皆可期矣
養和齋 於加州
Redirecting "Oneself" to All Beings
Yutang Lin
Generally speaking
A person's thoughts are mostly about and for
Even Dharma practitioners
Could hardly change this habitual tendency
Whenever one thinks about oneself
One could redirect the thought on oneself
As referring to all sentient beings
And then one's mind no longer remains narrow and
But opens up to boundless expanse
The minor sufferings and hardships that one was
preoccupied with
Would be replaced by
Great sufferings and calamities that are always
present everywhere
Thus one would be awakened in awe
As to how one's mind could be so attached in
delusion to a small spot
In complete neglect and oblivion of the whole
If one could constantly redirect one's thoughts in
this manner
Taking all sentient beings as oneself
And think of all beings as soon as one thinks about
one's tiny self
Compassion and wisdom will naturally grow from
thought to thought
Attainment of awakening and full enlightenment
And then helping all beings to attain enlightenment
Through endless salvation activities
Could all be expected to become realized in time
Written in Chinese and translated on March 12, 2011
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