觀音本寂現默娘,海難安渡依媽祖, 跋 弟子楊萬豪傳來自身蒙 媽祖加持之經歷,並附關於 媽祖信仰之簡介,請我撰讚,以彰顯 媽祖乃觀音救苦救難之方便示現,並求護祐法脈及信眾。我來自台灣,乃閩南安溪林姓,一向深敬信 媽祖,並熟知 媽祖信眾之廣佈及大眾對 媽祖信仰之深。在林氏宗祠中,尊 媽祖為「祖姑」,因為 媽祖當年出生於林家。
Ma Zu
Praise to Ma Zu ----- Original Message ----- Report from disciple Wang Hao and amended information regarding the belief that Ma Zu is a transformation of Guan Yin. Detong, add the information below into the posted file. Wang Hao,
Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: bunhow jong 頂禮師佛: 祝:平安健康 資料補充: 楚輝師姐說有個他們認識的西藏喇嘛說媽祖就是觀音的化身,他還寫了媽祖的贊頌,并找人幫他翻譯成中文以方便華人弟子,有次他和仁波切還有其他喇嘛到媽祖廟參拜后,準備請一尊媽祖回西藏,據說金身送出廟時,除了仁波切一行人外,現場還有許多信眾都看到了天空出現二十一團光,每團光都顯出了度母,后二十一團度母光圈合一顯出普陀山的南海觀音像。大家不約而同的下跪哭泣,仁波切與喇嘛都相信媽祖就是觀音的化身) ----- Original Message ----- As requested by disciple Wang Hao below, I had composed the attached Praise to Ma Zu.Since the subject matter is not well known to westerners, so I will not translate it into English. Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: bunhow jong 頂禮師佛: 一年前,當我還沒皈依您的時候,有天晚上我做了個夢,夢中自己走到了一座神廟,這廟的格局我非常熟悉,夢里知道它就是坐落在古晉百年老街(亞達街)的媽祖廟,但奇怪的是,往廟外一看,底下的店屋不見了,變成了一片汪洋,(現實中,這廟在三樓,理應底下是店屋與馬路)醒來后。覺得很有趣,但不以為意。 請求師佛慈悲,為弟子們幫媽祖寫篇贊頌,感恩 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (附上一篇網上找到的媽祖介紹) 說起天后〈媽祖〉,大家可知道,她與澳門的關係嗎?據說當年葡萄牙人踏足澳門時,向當地漁民詢問地名,人們指著「媽閣廟」說「媽閣、媽閣」,因為當日的澳門人都說客家話,客家人稱媽祖為媽閣,現在你去澳門也可以見到一座媽閣廟的。於是,葡萄牙人就據「媽閣」這個發音來稱呼這個地方,而「媽閣」就變成了今日的「Macau」了。
Praise to Heavenly Queen Ma Zu Yutang Lin
Guan Yin in original silence appeared as Quiet Lady
Epilog Disciple Yang Wan Hao sent email to convey his personal experiences of being blessed by the Goddess Ma Zu, and also included a brief exposition on the worship of Ma Zu, and pleaded me to compose a praise to Ma Zu to illuminate the fact that Ma Zu is actually a manifestation of Guan Yin for saving beings from hardships and dangers, and to supplicate Ma Zu′s blessing on our Dharma lineage and its followers. I was born in Taiwan, and our ancestors came from Lin family residing in An Xi, in southern part of Fu Jian, and I have deep respect and faith in Ma Zu, and am familiar with the wide-spreading of Ma Zu′s followers and the profound faith of multitudes in Ma Zu. In the Lin family temple, Ma Zu is honored as ″Ancestor Aunt″ because she was born into a Lin family.
Written in Chinese on December 16, 2009 Translated into English on June 26, 2020 [Home][Back to list][Chinese version only] |