待渡眾 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體



                     養和齋   於加州

Below is disciple Zhi Bin's reflection over the benefits of practicing according to my teachings as stated in F1854.
He is one among the few that sent in Powa and prayer requests almost daily. And he has been doing this for a decade.
This email is Bcc to all on my list, and it will be added to the end of F1854.

By the way, the lady Bai Lan mentioned below who drew the Bodhisattva Earth Treasure's painted image used to draw Guan Yin images. Without knowing that Zhi Bin will meet me and Zhi Bin was also unaware of my planned visit to Jiu Hua Shan, she drew the Di Zang image and gave it to Zhi Bin, and then Zhi Bin gave it to me. It was also miraculous that this happened. Then the painting was sent to be made into a scroll, and the scroll reached my home in Taipei on the same day when I arrived at Jiu Hua. How miraculous this was!

May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!



From: 黃治斌
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 6:30 AM
Subject: Re: Two New Works



弟子黃治斌收到上師近三天來的開示作品 從其中得到莫大的法益
也得到很大的加持 實非言語所能表達 也深深體會上師的用心 萬分謝謝
感恩佛菩薩讓我了解到上師的涵義 也是弟子黃治斌目前的心境
安於平淡 寂寥 與不起眼 修行之路本是一步一腳印 急不得
腳踏實地 了解到自己的不足 才體會到自己更要精進
其實我沒有幫助到眾生 是眾生成就我的道業 還是上師的悲願與福德
其實 上師先前提示弟子黃治斌 末要加短短一句"法界一切待度眾"
當下我也沒有想很多 只是就傻傻的照做 也沒問上師他的涵義為何
可是就短短月餘來 不知為何能漸漸體會上師作品的法義與心境
原來上師在幫助與開啟我的心量 從這裡容入佛菩薩法界一體之無限悲願
短短一句話 卻有如實的功效 讓我很訝異
雖然我只是一個橋樑 但是我更感謝那些被我所列入超渡眾生
讓我可更接近上師 進而走過近十年的歲月
修行不是空談 是要實修 實做 每個人的根基不同
照上師話做 真的會有意想不到的效果


弟子 黃治斌 叩首

Beings Waiting for Salvation Yutang Lin

Extensively gathering names of deceased is ultimately limited
What a pity that compassionate salvation could not be fulfilled
Simply adding: all beings in the universe waiting for salvation
Buddha's salvation power expands fully to each and everyone


A few disciples and Dharma friends regularly sent me lists of names of deceased or ill-fated ones, which were gathered extensively through many kinds of media, to request for my Powa service or prayers. I suggested to them to add at the end of their lists: All beings in the Dharmadhatu waiting for salvation. Names on any given list is bound to be limited in number, and yet with the addition of this one item, then none of the beings in the Dharmadhatu waiting for salvation will be left out.

The cycloramic view and mind embracing the whole Dharmadhatu could sublimate our very limited practices and endeavors so that they would merge into the great ocean of salvation activities born of the boundless compassion and mercy of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and then produce incomprehensible salvation functions. Here I solemnly offered this suggestion to all, with the hope that people who learned about this would follow suit and thus resulting in more beings receiving Buddhas' salvation.

Written in Chinese and translated on August 9, 2009
El Cerrito, California

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