韋陀大菩薩祈請頌簡繁轉換 - 繁體開心
護持大乘佛正法 護守功德佛戒輪 跋 余兩月前短期閉關,夢見林師吩咐韋陀菩薩護佑,余接著朗朗上口念誦〈韋陀菩薩祈請頌〉,但卻是一不為人知的新頌。醒後告師,師說是要吾造頌。兩月過去,一直未有靈感。前幾天造完〈普賢菩薩祈請頌〉,始有感覺,即遵師命完成。 謹記。
Supplication to the Great Bodhisattva Wei Tuo ----- Original Message ----- Disciple Kai Xin had composed a Supplication to the Great Bodhisattva Wei Tuo. I had revised it a bit. I had also written it in calligraphy to pray for Great Bodhisattva Wei Tuo's blessing to all dedicated disciples of our lineage. Two files attached. The calligraphy will be included in the appendix to Spring Dawn.
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