「恩感」印構思說明簡繁轉換 - 繁體弟子王浩
完成以上構思,忽然體會上師用印宜以「恩感」為妙,如此方成賜予加持之意。因沒有完成草稿緣故未及提出拙見,幾天後驚喜地獲得上師賜下開示:「感恩之印,用時則印『恩感』,使恩在上,而感者在下,方合情理。偈曰: 上恩下賜 感載承受 「恩」內「大」字的上部,之前曾畫一「十」字形對比印稿請師擇定,上師開示:「無需使其若完全只為基督徒一般;『恩』內之『大』字不必太小,大些以示『恩大』。」師佛開示切中此印主旨,據實恭錄,分享大眾。願有緣眾生早領殊恩而得大成就!
----- Original Message -----
On this New Year's Day disciple Wang Hao offered me a seal En Gan, Grace (gratefully) Appreciated. It is a wonderful and auspicious present for the new year. In Chinese we could say Gan En, Felt Grace, in thanking others. The seal is to be used as En Gan so as to honor the person bestowing graceful help. He also attached a short article in Chinese explaining how the seal was inspired and based on the inspiration how the struture of the the characters were designed. May all share this thankful feeling and express it in one's attitude toward other sentient beings!
Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hao Wang 尊貴的上師: 今天上午,“恩感”印製作完成。感謝您對印文草圖和構思說明的指點,感謝您的無礙加持! 謹以此獻給上師,祈願師佛長久住世永轉無上法輪,一切眾生早獲究竟解脫! 新年快樂!
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