寧無心 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體世事遷演誰可使?講求他人妄費心; 跋 空中樓閣,無處可覓;強求實現,唯顯愚痴。有意成事,轉多拂逆;寧停心機,隨遇皆安。 二○○七年十月二十日
----- Original Message ----- Xing below I had written a new work in calligraphy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jui khin yeo 尊貴的上師, Rather be Unintentional Yutang Lin Who could direct the evolution of worldly affairs? Comments: Constructions in empty space are no where to be found. Insisting and intending on their realization, only served to reveal one's own ignorance. Sustaining a plan to achieve some goals would render hindrances and failures encountered seem multiplied. Rather cease calculating in mind, and be at ease and peace with whatever comes around. Written in Chinese on October 20, 2007 [Home][Back to list][Rather be Unintentional] |